Owning Wisdom with guest faculty Dacher Keltner
Cultivating Awe
Dec 15 - Dec 20, 2025 in Baja, Mexico
Led by: Dacher Keltner, Thérèse O'Neill
Financial aid is available. Apply Here.
Awe transforms your heart, mind, and soul and awakens you to the transcendent beauty of life
How do we begin to quantify the goose bumps we feel when we see the Grand Canyon, or our utter amazement when we watch a child walk for the first time?
The experience of awe may seem too vast and immeasurable to understand through the lens of science. Yet recent scientific research into the functions and impact of emotions proves that awe has the power to transform our minds and bodies. Humans have survived over the course of evolution thanks to our ability to cooperate, form communities, and create culture – and all of these capacities are spurred by awe.
Awe allows you to transcend the confines of your individual self and feel infinitely more connected to the world around you. It expands your understanding and reduces polarization within society and within your own internal self.
When you consciously cultivate an abiding sense of wonder and mystery, life becomes richer, more meaningful and profound – and you will find yourself overflowing with love and gratitude for the precious gift of existence.
In this Owning Wisdom workshop co-facilitated with Dacher Keltner, the director of the Greater Good Science Center, you will take an inspired dive into the science behind mystery and wonder and discover how cultivating awe can lead to connection, cooperation, and a transformed understanding of yourself as belonging to a larger community.
What you’ll gain
Through a combination of our MEA Owning Wisdom curriculum and Dacher’s science-backed deep-dive exploration of awe, you will:
By the end of your five days with Dacher and the MEA faculty, you will feel like your heart, mind, and soul have expanded, transforming your understanding of reality and deepening your sense of connection with the world around you.
You will be energized and inspired and find it so much easier to live in a state of gratitude and abundance.
Meet your faculty
Dacher Keltner
Author of Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life
Professor of Psychology at UC Berkeley | Director of the Greater Good Science Center
Dr. Keltner is one of the world’s foremost emotion scientists. He has over 200 scientific publications and six books, including Born to Be Good, The Compassionate Instinct, and The Power Paradox. He has written for many popular outlets, from The New York Times to Slate.
Dr. Keltner was the scientific advisor behind Pixar’s Inside Out and is involved with the education of health care providers and judges.
He has consulted extensively for Google, Apple, and Pinterest on issues related to emotion and well-being. His research interests include emotion, social interaction, conflict and negotiation, and culture.
He is the host of two podcasts: The Science of Happiness and Happiness Break.
This workshop is for you if...
You’re searching for answers to the big questions about life, the universe, and everything
You yearn to experience more awe, wonder, and transcendence in your life
You love delving into the mysteries of existence but also have one foot firmly planted in the world of science
You’re looking for a deeper sense of connection to others and to the world around you
You’re searching for a new way to access the eternal or divine because the old ways no longer work
You’re feeling disconnected from nature and want to reimmerse yourself in the vast beauty of the world in a breathtaking location
You want to learn simple daily practices to reduce stress and cultivate lasting joy and gratitude
You’re ready to release what no longer serves you and show up in the world as the awesome human being that you are
Baja, Mexico
El Pescadero Resort
A stunning oceanfront property offering all of the amenities of a luxury hotel with beautiful beaches perfect for swimming or surfing. Located on the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula, just a short drive from Todo Santos, the “Pueblo Magico”.

Meet your MEA facilitators
In addition to the powerful sessions conducted by Dacher, you will be guided through the core MEA Owning Wisdom curriculum by our faculty members:
Thérèse O'Neill
MEA Facilitator Lead
Thérèse O’Neill is the Facilitator Lead for MEA’s Baja campus. She is a longtime educator in California and in Mexico, working with Nest Global to provide education access to young asylum seekers and refugees. She holds degrees from UC Berkeley and Stanford, with a background in trauma-informed education and psychology. She is a resident of Baja, where she makes textiles and travels in her free time.
You are the universe experiencing itself
Awe is the emotion that allows you to transcend the confines of your limited, individualistic self and connect with the vast and unknowable universe of which you are an integral part.
When you are feeling lost, confused, alone, or disconnected, awe is the light that will shine the way home.