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Birds of a Feather Unlock Together.

Grace Lee Boggs said, "You cannot change any society unless you take responsibility for it, unless you see yourself as belonging to it and responsible for changing it." But, it’s hard to do that on the margins when you’re not part of the dominant demographic of a society. We are all mirrors for each other, but that mirror isn’t color blind.

A year and a half ago, I experienced such a poignant, powerful week at MEA Baja in which I was the only person in the room who didn’t have an African heritage. I wrote about my revelations in this blog post “I Am Because We Are” and still get goosebumps remembering the moral beauty I felt from the cohort that whole week. It was deeply inspiring to see the cohort unlock the wisdom of each other. ‍

MEA is honored to be offering our second Black Modern Elder workshop entitled “Telling Our Stories, Celebrating Our Spirits, Visioning Our Future” June 10-15 in Baja. If you want to get a flavor of just how profound the experience can be, here’s a video of three graduates from that 2022 week

As MEA grows, we will continue to offer more niche-oriented workshops that feature Spanish-speaking compadres (April 7-13 in Baja), LGBTQ+ folks (June 17-22 in Santa Fe), women curious about their wellness and menopause (June 24-29 in Santa Fe), and mens’ workshops next year. 

Hope you’ll share some of these workshops with friends who might be interested. Reframing our relationship with aging in the company of people who truly get us creates a deep sense of belonging. 


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May 15, 2021

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