Mex I Can.

The Mexican people have a lot to teach us about resourcefulness and resilience. Despite the age-old stereotype of Mexicans being lazy and taking siestas on the job, the reality is that they typically work six days a week, not five.

And, yes, in the hot midday weather, it makes sense to take a nap after lunch, especially if your shift runs from 7 am to 6 pm.

When I was the CEO of my boutique hotel company, I was struck by the fact that the most important factor in guest satisfaction was our staff’s “can-do” attitude.

If you’ve traveled to Baja and met our wonderful hospitality team, you know how much they care about creating a transformational experience for you. I love this “can-do” team!

I hope you’ll find time to join us in Baja to experience “Mex I Can” hospitality at its finest.

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