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  • Wisdom is About Welcoming Paradox.

Wisdom is About Welcoming Paradox.

One of the signs of wisdom is the ability to straddle contradictory beliefs and understand the logic of both. Being able to "split the ambivalence" is what relationships are all about. "Not knowing" is a form of wisdom.

In this fascinating interview between Brené Brown and Esther Perel (especially minutes 38-52), Esther suggests, “The opposite of paradox is polarization.” They tangentially refer to this idea politically, which is a deep insight into our current state. We live in an “either/or” world when we really could use a “both/and” world.

So often, we project our shadow on another person, not recognizing that there are archetypes that are influencing our behavior. It’s tragic how affixed we get to our personality through our unconscious archetypes.

I don’t know about you, but wouldn’t it be great to have Brené Brown or Esther Perel teaching at MEA one of these days? Better yet, what if we had both!

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