In 2022 after a summer of struggling, I found myself navigating one of life’s valleys, grappling with a sense of purposelessness, disconnection, and an overall lack of joy. Unbeknownst to me, this phase marked a natural and normal transition, but I lacked the mindset, tools, and supportive community needed to navigate it effectively. Eager to stop suffering, I embarked on a mission to cultivate the most happy, loving, and powerful version of myself.
An early turning point in my self-discovery was in October 2022 during my first visit to the serene MEA campus nestled underneath the majestic mountains, directly on the Pacific shoreline of central Baja California Sur, Mexico. I attended the inaugural Black Modern Elder Academy workshop and built community with a group of amazing people. That visit marked the commencement of a transformative chapter.
Fast forward to earlier this year. I returned to Baja for a core workshop focused on the MEA Transitions pillar that proved equally impactful. Contrary to Sade or the common notion that “it’s never as good as the first time,” this second MEA Baja experience was significant for three compelling reasons:
- Stillness: After 19 months of navigating life transitions, the intensity began to settle. Returning to MEA granted me the invaluable permission to slow down and embrace stillness—a necessary luxury during challenging times.
- Celebration: The newfound stillness facilitated much-needed reflection following many hard days and tough decisions. I found myself back in Baja celebrating the journey and so much progress. At one point I was breaking into dance singing “Unspeakable Joy” by Kim English with my beloved new cohort members who are now family. My return to Baja became a jubilant celebration of persevering through the messy middle and heralding a new beginning.
- Recommitment: The MEA Transitions workshop provided a platform for me to recommit to my mission of embodying a joyful and resilient version of Cassius. Guided by MEA co-founders Christine Sperber and Jeff Hamaoui, the workshop deepened my understanding of how to ride life’s constant waves. It is a lesson vividly illustrated by the Pacific Ocean reshaping the beach in front of the MEA Campus with rainbows, whales and sun in the backdrop.
I will return for my third visit to Baja June 10-15, 2024, this time as the facilitator for the eagerly-awaited second BlackMEA event, “Unveiling Our Stories, Nurturing Our Spirits, Shaping Our Futures.” I will join MEA Guest Faculty—Paula Pretlow, Wanda Whitaker, Diane Johnson, and Linda Grubbs—in what promises to be a transformational week.
For those seeking a sacred space to reflect on life’s journey, anchor in our Black heritage, and navigate life transitions, BlackMEA is a compelling consideration. Rooted in MEA Wisdom’s core principles, this week will focus on midlife transitions, purpose, and wisdom within the context of our Black identity.
To delve deeper into other opportunities at MEA Wisdom, download a free resource, The Anatomy of a Transition, and explore the website. Whether participating online, on-site in Baja, or soon at the new campus in Santa Fe, New Mexico, MEA offers a diverse array of workshops and tools for personal growth and self-discovery.
To learn more about my work supporting social impact organizations, please visit At Perceptist, we support social impact organizations and purpose-driven leaders—philanthropy, businesses, and nonprofits—to increase the positive impact they have on humanity.

Cassius, looking very beachy and relaxed, at the MEA Baja campus.