Live Talk + Q&A

Intentional Reinvention: Transformative Journeys for Bold Living

Zee Clarke, Kelly Wendorf, David Rich & Simon Chan
This event features experts sharing insights on mindfulness, leadership, entrepreneurship, and life transitions. Zee Clarke will discuss overcoming challenges and stress management for people of color. Kelly Wendorf will share perspectives on empathetic leadership and organizational change. David Rich and Simon Chan will focus on making bold moves, retirement planning, career pivots, and reinvention during transformative life stages. Attendees can expect inspiring stories, proven strategies, and a holistic approach to growth and self-discovery.
June 5, 2024
11:00am PT | 2:00pm ET
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Live Session
Intentional Reinvention: Transformative Journeys for Bold Living
June 5, 2024
11:00am PT | 2:00pm ET
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Intentional Reinvention: Transformative Journeys for Bold Living

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Meet your hosts

Zee Clarke
Mindfulness & Breathwork for BIPOC Communities, Author, Speaker

Zee Clarke is a Harvard MBA and the author of Black People Breathe. She went from leading teams at fortune 500 companies to teaching mindfulness and breathwork. She helps people of color manage the chronic stress and health conditions resulting from microaggressions and systemic racism so that we can feel our best despite these challenges.

Kelly Wendorf
Founding CEO of EQUUS, Master Coach, spiritual mentor

Kelly Wendorf, CEO of EQUUS, is an author, entrepreneur, mentor, and expert in transformative change with clients from Amazon, to Microsoft to some of the most underserved communities. With 30+ years of experience, she is an expert in the artform of taking people through transformative change and on to meaningful levels of success, purpose, and profound fulfillment. Featured in Forbes, VOGUE and The New York Times, her latest book, Flying Lead Change, offers nature-inspired wisdom for change. Serving clients globally, she leads alongside equines on her ranch near Santa Fe.

David Rich
Entrepreneur, Executive Coach, Director, Teamshares Former Owner Program

David is an entrepreneur, investor, and advisor who has started and sold several businesses and mentored and funded many others. He currently leads the Former Owner Program at Teamshares, a venture-backed fintech company that helps small businesses become employee-owned. David also coaches entrepreneurs and executives on navigating life's transitions with clarity, accountability, and certainty. When not coaching, he is always in search of new adventures.

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Intentional Reinvention: Transformative Journeys for Bold Living

Zee Clarke, Kelly Wendorf, David Rich & Simon Chan
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Live Session
Intentional Reinvention: Transformative Journeys for Bold Living
June 5, 2024
11:00am PT | 2:00pm ET
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