He’s helped me to focus on my growth edge: how to slow down and feel more. He’s earned himself a sabbatical in Paris this month and sent me this missive below along with this photo from the streets of Paris.
“We live in a culture where our value and purpose is judged by how busy we are and how much we can do and get done. These days we can experience the ferocious pace of constant ‘doing’ and being out in front of ourselves totally unaware of life’s beauty, abundance and natural rhythm.
What if our value was determined by the practice of ‘non-doing?’ What would happen if most of our time was set aside for rumination, daydreaming and deep contemplation? Could we live in a way where the focal point of life isn’t so much of what we can get but what we can live without? A total paradigm shift from how high we set the bar to how low can we set the bar.
I believe our ideas and definitions of what abundance, value and purpose are would radically shift if we had a lot of time to just ‘be.’ Where the act of ‘non-doing’ becomes a commodity that is naturally manageable, healthy and heart-centered.
True embodied value and purpose would be allowed to emerge from our innate basic goodness where an alignment of heart is at the center.”
Okay, Teddi, but at least go and buy a baguette, slurp some French onion soup, and top it off with a delectable macaron.