
What Pair Of Glasses Will You Wear Today?

“Rather than living every day as if it’s my last, I’ve shifted to a gentler approach of living every day as if it’s my first. I want to wake up and meet the day with the wonder of a newborn, to cultivate childlike qualities like curiosity and play.” - Suleika Jaquad

What Pair Of Glasses Will You Wear Today?

The Question We Should Never Stop Asking

Chip’s Note: I love Wendy’s writing and her new book “Not Too Late” is as inspiring as it is instructive. Big hug to all of you from Iceland where I’ve been spending the week.

The Question We Should Never Stop Asking

Mindset vs. Skillset

I've never been to Davos for the World Economic Forum, and frankly, I have no desire to go. Despite being filled with well-meaning leaders who sound smart and altruistic, it often seems divorced from mainstream reality. Take, for instance, the Forum's Reskilling Revolution Initiative from four years ago, which aims to empower a billion people by 2030 with new skills and opportunities. It's all well and good, but teaching midlifers to become computer programmers looks awfully foolish in the era of AI.

Mindset vs. Skillset

How to Avoid Being Boring at 60.

The headline of today's post, which I recently spotted in my news feed, was inspired by a Wall Street Journal article (https://bit.ly/3t4PGhO) by Rob LaZebnik, a writer and co-executive producer on "The Simpsons." Given that anyone involved with 'The Simpsons' is likely far from dull, I was eager to dive into his article—and I'm so glad I did! I've got to meet this guy. His POV is soooo entirely MEA, as he believes the way to break out of boredom is to embark on a series of tame, achievable, and eye-opening challenges.

How to Avoid Being Boring at 60.

I’m Sitting Here Contemplating Two Things.

One: “According to Darwin’s ‘On the Origin of Species,’ it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives. But, the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.” - Leon C. Megginson

I’m Sitting Here Contemplating Two Things.

How to Change Your Mindset About Aging.

When I saw the title of this recent New York Times article (https://bit.ly/3QqrzmC), I quickly checked to see if it was written by one of our MEA faculty members or alums. It wasn’t, but the article profiles one of our favorite academics, Dr. Becca Levy, who’s spoken to our MEA community.

How to Change Your Mindset About Aging.

A Matter of Perspective.

Many years ago, I was seeing two late eighty-something women in my psychotherapy practice.

A Matter of Perspective.

Is Growth Mindset Simply About Leading with Soul?

I recently re-read Dr. Carol Dweck's “Mindset” book, and I came away with a new understanding. What if a fixed mindset is all about Ego? Conversely, what if a growth mindset is just an expression of Soul?

Is Growth Mindset Simply About Leading with Soul?

The Midlife Mindset Seesaw.

During the first half of our lives, we refine our capacity to prove ourselves; then, around midlife, we realize that the only proving we need to do is to ourselves, not to others.

The Midlife Mindset Seesaw.

Unleash Your Jedi Powers to Command Your Mindset.

Are you ready to ditch your business partner? Are you fighting or avoiding each other? Four years ago, my co-founder journey began with my dear friend Juletta. Setting out to make our mark, we created a coaching business. We rode the typical start-up rollercoaster of highs and lows. Then we hit a brick wall that rocked our partnership, a make-or-break stage.

Unleash Your Jedi Powers to Command Your Mindset.