Cultivating Purpose

The Bonus Round: Crafting a Meaningful Post-Work Chapter


Santa Fe


Santa Fe

, Mexico 

Financial Aid Available
Santa Fe, USA
Sep 17
Sep 22, 2024
Led By
Pam McLean
Joy Leach, MS, MCC
Tom Pollack, PCC
John Schuster, MA English, MA Psychology, PCC
Daniel 'DL' Landes
Lee Johnson
Santa Fe, USA
7 de abril al 13 de abril de 2024
Dirigido por
Pam McLean
Joy Leach, MS, MCC
Tom Pollack, PCC
John Schuster, MA English, MA Psychology, PCC
Daniel 'DL' Landes
Lee Johnson

When your career winds down, a phase of exploration, discovery, and creation can begin. This is relatively new — we have many more healthy and active years than previous generations - a “bonus round” worth carefully crafting. We know putting up our feet and relaxing is no longer sufficient for this time in life, but the path forward is ambiguous. This workshop is about reorienting yourself for a purposeful and vibrant “bonus round” of life.

Pam McLean Ph.D., along with members of Hudson’s Sage Faculty team, will guide you on a personal journey through your experience, wisdom, and imagination to discover what matters most and chart a fulfilling path forward.

This experience is perfect for individuals and couples for whom work is no longer the centerpiece of life; for those open to mystery and possibility, who wish to navigate life after career with intention.

What you’ll do

Lo que harás

The MEA core curriculum forms the foundation of each workshop we offer and is focused on equipping you with the skills to navigate transitions, break through life obstacles, and tap into your deeper life purpose.

Additionally, in this immersive and interactive workshop with Pam McLean, you will:

  • Take inventory and collecting life’s learnings
  • Pivot into the wild, imaginative, and experimental
  • Create scaffolding for your bonus round
  • Design an emerging sense of purpose
  • Build frameworks and tools to support this phase
  • Find a new reverence for this time of life
  • Build a blueprint for your legacy
  • Making a plan – one, two or three years – for the road ahead

These workshops unearth your innate wisdom, transforming your authentic essence and life experiences into profound insight that will unlock your hidden potential as you embrace the next beautiful chapter of life. MEA’s all-inclusive tuition is $6,000 for a private room or $4,500 for a shared room.

This price includes all programming, lodging, meals, beverages, and excursions. We offer generous financial aid for many programs.
These workshops unearth your innate wisdom, transforming your authentic essence and life experiences into profound insight that will unlock your hidden potential as you embrace the next beautiful chapter of life. MEA’s all-inclusive tuition is $4,500 for a private room or $3,750 for a shared room.

This price includes all programming, lodging, meals, beverages, and excursions. We offer generous financial aid for many programs.
Este taller esta diseñado para cualquier persona que desee comprender mejor las transiciones de la vida y así renovar su propósito. Elaborado con gran cuidado e inclusivo de genero, raza y nivel socioeconómico.

We’ve carefully and intentionally designed your days on campus to facilitate the best possible experience and maximize your investment into you.

Hemos diseñado cuidadosa e intencionalmente tus días en el campus para facilitar la mejor experiencia posible y maximizar tu inversión en ti mismo.

Join us if you feel you want to find more meaning in life and explore your purpose with a community of like-hearted individuals.
Únete a nosotros si sientes que tu proceso de transición se ha prolongado y necesitas un mayor apoyo y atención para realizar hábilmente la transición a tu próximo capítulo.

MEA was the container within which I could recreate who I wanted to be and step into that with confidence.

JD Schramm
California, USA

MEA fue el espacio en el que pude reinventarme como la persona que quería ser y asumir ese rol con confianza

JD Schramm
California, USA

El equipo de MEA está compuesto por individuos orientados al crecimiento que están apasionadamente dedicados a proporcionar la mentalidad y las herramientas para respaldar nuestra misión colectiva de descubrir el propósito, crecer en sabiduría y realizar transiciones con gracia a través de las diversas etapas de la mediana edad. Nos basamos en nuestro compromiso con la comunidad y nos guía la creencia de que la sabiduría se comparte, no se enseña.

MEA's team is composed of growth-minded individuals who are passionately dedicated to providing the mindset and tools to support our collective mission to discover purpose, grow wiser, and gracefully transition through the many stages of midlife. We are rooted in our commitment to community and guided by the belief that wisdom is shared, not taught.

Pam McLean
Pam McLean
Guest Faculty

Pam McLean, PhD, is co-founder of The Hudson Institute of Coaching, an organization with 35 years of experience in the fields of coaching and adult development.  A clinical psychologist and master coach, she and Hudson’s Sage Faculty Team have been leading experiential workshops for professionals approaching the third phase of life. Pam is author of several books including Self as Coach, Self as Leader; and LifeForward: Charting the Journey Ahead.

Joy Leach, MS, MCC
Joy Leach, MS, MCC
Guest Faculty

Joy Leach has over 30 years of experience as an organizational consultant, trainer, coach, and author. She coaches leaders at the highest levels in companies to support the development and productivity of their organizations. She has trained thousands of professionals to enhance their skills and increase their work potential.

Joy leads large-scale consulting projects and training initiatives to facilitate organizational effectiveness and transformation. While she specializes in executive coaching and leadership coaching, Joy also coaches in personal/professional balance, presentation skills coaching, and career transition coaching. She has vast experience in designing and developing programs for diversity, management skills, presentation skills, customer service and team communication and collaboration.

Serving as a seasoned coach and faculty member in the Hudson Institute’s Coach Certification Program as well as a facilitator in the LifeForward Programs, Joy is also a lead facilitator in Hudson’s 'Spot Coaching for Managers' program inside organizations.

Joy is the co-author of Personal Power: Today's Guide for the Working Woman, and, A Practical Guide to Working with Diversity.

Joy received her Master of Science degree from the University of Buffalo and has been certified in MBTI, Organization Development from Georgetown University. She is a Master Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation.

Tom Pollack, PCC
Tom Pollack, PCC
Guest Faculty

Tom Pollack has been coaching individuals through significant life transitions and other issues for over a decade. He has worked with partners in professional organizations and high-level executives at several major corporations on developing new leadership skills, advancing their personal growth, and navigating life transitions. Since 2002, Tom has served as a facilitator of Hudson’s popular LifeForward program as well as the ThirdLaunch and Bold Living After Work programs, helping participants to actively realign their direction and effort to be congruent with their current values, interests, and purpose.

Tom has broad experience in the legal domain spanning the past thirty-five years.  His law background and years of experience combined with his coaching skills provide the ingredients for helping high-profile individuals re-examine their goals for a challenging future. Tom received a B.A. from Brown University in 1965 and a J.D. from New York University School of Law in 1968, where he served as the Articles Editor of the New York University Law Review. He was an adjunct professor of federal criminal trial practice at Loyola University School of Law and lectured extensively on various topics of federal criminal practice. Before retiring from his law firm in 2008, Tom spent most of his professional career as a partner at Irell & Manella LLP, where he specialized in white-collar criminal defense.

John Schuster, MA English, MA Psychology, PCC
John Schuster, MA English, MA Psychology, PCC
Guest Faculty

John Schuster is an executive coach and mentor with a long tenure on the leadership team at the Hudson Institute of Coaching. He is a faculty member at the Columbia University Coaching Certification Program, is the coach in residence at Merryck & Co., has published five books, is an active blogger, and has recorded numerous podcasts for NPR.

John taught in the inner city of Chicago and did social work in Cincinnati before he spent seven years in government service with the Environmental Protection Agency. John began his management consulting practice in 1981 in Kansas City, Missouri. Within his practice, John focuses on connecting soft people skills with hard business results. He has a passion: helping leaders build the necessary social capital within their enterprises so they can build a better world on behalf of communities, customers, and shareholders.

John received his BA (summa cum laude) and MA from Xavier University.

Daniel 'DL' Landes
Daniel 'DL' Landes
Experience Facilitator

Living in the Galisteo Basin impresses a unique and humbling perspective. Under the expansive, enchanted New Mexican sky I can feel so small and so big. I made a career of kicking up dust; living in the storm until the storm lived in me. When the dust settled two guideposts appeared: Spend more nights under the stars; provide a service.

Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson

Lee is as ordinary as dirt but as complex as soil. His love for the simple yet complex hum of nature has led him to be a steward of the land, having worked in regenerative ranching and holistic land management. With humility, he translates nature's teachings into simple insights and encourages us to tune into the inner and outer landscape. Join him, slow down, and gather around the campfire of shared understanding.

Pam McLean
Pam McLean
Escritor, locutor y orador de TED
Guest Faculty

Valentín Erlanz, a Mexican life coach and industrial psychology specialist in Todos Santos. With 12+ years of executive training experience, he's skilled in leadership, communication, emotional intelligence, and team synergy. Beyond work, Valentín thrives on extreme sports and music, embodying his adventurous spirit.

Carl Honoré es un galardonado escritor, locutor y portavoz del Movimiento Slow. Sus libros se han publicado en 36 idiomas y sus charlas TED han sido vistas millones de veces. Su último libro ensalza el valor de la experiencia, dignifica el cumplir años y nos enseña a sacar partido de nuestras vidas más longevas.

¡Últimamente ha sido nombrado “Advocate for Aging” por la sociedad americana sobre el envejecimiento y ‘Next Avenue’!

Perfil de LinkedIn

Joy Leach, MS, MCC
Joy Leach, MS, MCC
Escritor, locutor y orador de TED
Guest Faculty

Valentín Erlanz, a Mexican life coach and industrial psychology specialist in Todos Santos. With 12+ years of executive training experience, he's skilled in leadership, communication, emotional intelligence, and team synergy. Beyond work, Valentín thrives on extreme sports and music, embodying his adventurous spirit.

Carl Honoré es un galardonado escritor, locutor y portavoz del Movimiento Slow. Sus libros se han publicado en 36 idiomas y sus charlas TED han sido vistas millones de veces. Su último libro ensalza el valor de la experiencia, dignifica el cumplir años y nos enseña a sacar partido de nuestras vidas más longevas.

¡Últimamente ha sido nombrado “Advocate for Aging” por la sociedad americana sobre el envejecimiento y ‘Next Avenue’!

Perfil de LinkedIn

Tom Pollack, PCC
Tom Pollack, PCC
Escritor, locutor y orador de TED
Guest Faculty

Valentín Erlanz, a Mexican life coach and industrial psychology specialist in Todos Santos. With 12+ years of executive training experience, he's skilled in leadership, communication, emotional intelligence, and team synergy. Beyond work, Valentín thrives on extreme sports and music, embodying his adventurous spirit.

Carl Honoré es un galardonado escritor, locutor y portavoz del Movimiento Slow. Sus libros se han publicado en 36 idiomas y sus charlas TED han sido vistas millones de veces. Su último libro ensalza el valor de la experiencia, dignifica el cumplir años y nos enseña a sacar partido de nuestras vidas más longevas.

¡Últimamente ha sido nombrado “Advocate for Aging” por la sociedad americana sobre el envejecimiento y ‘Next Avenue’!

Perfil de LinkedIn

John Schuster, MA English, MA Psychology, PCC
John Schuster, MA English, MA Psychology, PCC
Escritor, locutor y orador de TED
Guest Faculty

Valentín Erlanz, a Mexican life coach and industrial psychology specialist in Todos Santos. With 12+ years of executive training experience, he's skilled in leadership, communication, emotional intelligence, and team synergy. Beyond work, Valentín thrives on extreme sports and music, embodying his adventurous spirit.

Carl Honoré es un galardonado escritor, locutor y portavoz del Movimiento Slow. Sus libros se han publicado en 36 idiomas y sus charlas TED han sido vistas millones de veces. Su último libro ensalza el valor de la experiencia, dignifica el cumplir años y nos enseña a sacar partido de nuestras vidas más longevas.

¡Últimamente ha sido nombrado “Advocate for Aging” por la sociedad americana sobre el envejecimiento y ‘Next Avenue’!

Perfil de LinkedIn

Daniel 'DL' Landes
Daniel 'DL' Landes
Escritor, locutor y orador de TED
Experience Facilitator

Valentín Erlanz, a Mexican life coach and industrial psychology specialist in Todos Santos. With 12+ years of executive training experience, he's skilled in leadership, communication, emotional intelligence, and team synergy. Beyond work, Valentín thrives on extreme sports and music, embodying his adventurous spirit.

Carl Honoré es un galardonado escritor, locutor y portavoz del Movimiento Slow. Sus libros se han publicado en 36 idiomas y sus charlas TED han sido vistas millones de veces. Su último libro ensalza el valor de la experiencia, dignifica el cumplir años y nos enseña a sacar partido de nuestras vidas más longevas.

¡Últimamente ha sido nombrado “Advocate for Aging” por la sociedad americana sobre el envejecimiento y ‘Next Avenue’!

Perfil de LinkedIn

Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson
Escritor, locutor y orador de TED

Valentín Erlanz, a Mexican life coach and industrial psychology specialist in Todos Santos. With 12+ years of executive training experience, he's skilled in leadership, communication, emotional intelligence, and team synergy. Beyond work, Valentín thrives on extreme sports and music, embodying his adventurous spirit.

Carl Honoré es un galardonado escritor, locutor y portavoz del Movimiento Slow. Sus libros se han publicado en 36 idiomas y sus charlas TED han sido vistas millones de veces. Su último libro ensalza el valor de la experiencia, dignifica el cumplir años y nos enseña a sacar partido de nuestras vidas más longevas.

¡Últimamente ha sido nombrado “Advocate for Aging” por la sociedad americana sobre el envejecimiento y ‘Next Avenue’!

Perfil de LinkedIn

Join us if you feel you want to find more meaning in life and explore your purpose with a community of like-hearted individuals.
Únete a nosotros si sientes que tu proceso de transición se ha prolongado y necesitas un mayor apoyo y atención para realizar hábilmente la transición a tu próximo capítulo.

All of MEA’s workshops are designed to support you to consciously curate the second half of your adult life. Our curriculum offers three paths through MEA content:

Todos los talleres de MEA están diseñados para apoyarte en la tarea consciente de planificar la segunda mitad de tu vida adulta. Nuestro plan de estudios ofrece tres caminos a través del contenido de MEA:

Navegando las Transiciones
  • Manage midlife change effectively. Understand the stages of transitions and the necessary TQ (transitions quotient) intelligence to move through them more easily.
  • Gestiona el cambio en la mediana edad de manera efectiva. Comprende las etapas de las transiciones y la inteligencia necesaria de TQ (coeficiente de transiciones) para atravesarlas con mayor facilidad.
Cultivando El Propósito
  • Find meaning and curiosity when exploring big decisions, or evolving into your next chapter of life. Understand purpose as a regenerative tool.
  • Encuentra significado y curiosidad al explorar decisiones importantes o evolucionar hacia tu próximo capítulo de vida. Comprende el propósito como una herramienta regenerativa.
Poseyendo Sabiduría
  • Identify and lean in to the wisdom you have developed to date. Look at a generative second adulthood, engaging in new purposes, new communities, time spent on something greater than yourself.
  • Identifica y aprovecha la sabiduría que has desarrollado hasta ahora. Contempla una segunda adultez generativa, participando en nuevos propósitos, nuevas comunidades y dedicando tiempo a algo más grande que uno mismo.

All workshops provide a comprehensive set of tools to use right away, a deep connection with a new community, and a 5-star hospitality experience to allow you to recharge and get ready for what’s next. You will learn:

  • Hacks: practical tools that you can practice while you’re here
  • Habits: longer term practices that will impact your daily life
  • Practices: a point of inflection and reflection to support your ongoing journey.

All of MEA’s workshops are designed to support you to consciously curate the second half of your adult life. Our curriculum offers three paths through MEA content:

Todos los talleres de MEA están diseñados para apoyarte en la tarea consciente de planificar la segunda mitad de tu vida adulta. Nuestro plan de estudios ofrece tres caminos a través del contenido de MEA:

Navegando las Transiciones
  • Manage midlife change effectively. Understand the stages of transitions and the necessary TQ (transitions quotient) intelligence to move through them more easily.
  • Gestiona el cambio en la mediana edad de manera efectiva. Comprende las etapas de las transiciones y la inteligencia necesaria de TQ (coeficiente de transiciones) para atravesarlas con mayor facilidad.
Cultivando El Propósito
  • Find meaning and curiosity when exploring big decisions, or evolving into your next chapter of life. Understand purpose as a regenerative tool.
  • Encuentra significado y curiosidad al explorar decisiones importantes o evolucionar hacia tu próximo capítulo de vida. Comprende el propósito como una herramienta regenerativa.
Poseyendo Sabiduría
  • Identify and lean in to the wisdom you have developed to date. Look at a generative second adulthood, engaging in new purposes, new communities, time spent on something greater than yourself.
  • Identifica y aprovecha la sabiduría que has desarrollado hasta ahora. Contempla una segunda adultez generativa, participando en nuevos propósitos, nuevas comunidades y dedicando tiempo a algo más grande que uno mismo.

Todos los talleres ofrecen un conjunto integral de herramientas para usar de inmediato, una conexión profunda con una nueva comunidad y una experiencia de hospitalidad de 5 estrellas para permitirte recargar energías y prepararte para lo que viene.  Aprenderás:

  • Herramientas prácticas: que puedes poner en práctica mientras estás aquí.
  • Hábitos: prácticas a más largo plazo que impactarán tu vida diaria.
  • Prácticas: un punto de inflexión y reflexión para respaldar tu viaje continuo.

Shift your mindset as we provide you with:

  • The space to ask great questions
  • The inspiration to think differently
  • The time to reflect
  • The resources to support your path

  • El espacio para hacer grandes preguntas
  • La inspiración para pensar de manera diferente
  • El tiempo para reflexionar
  • Los recursos para respaldar tu camino

Themed in-person workshops are grounded in research based upon collaboration with academics and prestigious institutions like Stanford, UC Berkeley, Harvard, and Yale. Guest faculty weeks feature a chance to experience a deeper dive into their unique content paired with our MEA experiences.

Learning at all stages of life is the glue that drives us to purpose, community, and our evolving wellbeing. Make a commitment to staying healthier, continuing to grow, having an open mindset, and giving back to the world. Instead of “lifelong learning”, we believe “long life learning,” creates a life that is as deep and meaningful as it is long.

Los talleres presenciales temáticos se basan en investigaciones realizadas en colaboración con académicos e instituciones prestigiosas como Stanford, UC Berkeley, Harvard y Yale. Las semanas con profesores invitados ofrecen la oportunidad de sumergirse más profundamente en su contenido único combinado con nuestras experiencias en MEA.

Aprender en todas las etapas de la vida es el pegamento que nos impulsa hacia el propósito, la comunidad y nuestro bienestar en evolución. Haz un compromiso de mantenerte más saludable, seguir creciendo, tener una mentalidad abierta y devolver al mundo. En lugar de "aprendizaje de por vida", creemos que "aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida" crea una vida tan profunda y significativa como larga.

Explore other workshops from this pillar

Explora otros talleres


The Bonus Round: Crafting a Meaningful Post-Work Chapter

September 17, 2024
September 22, 2024
Santa Fe, USA

Reboot: Leadership & the Art of Growing Up with Jerry Colonna & Chip Conley

September 29, 2024
October 4, 2024
Santa Fe, USA

Bold Moves: Redesigning Life in Your 40s & 50s with Simon Chan and David Rich

September 30, 2024
October 5, 2024
Santa Fe, USA

Discover the perfect blend of nature and luxury amenities at MEA's new Rising Circle Ranch, situated 25 minutes south of downtown. This marks our inaugural U.S. campus and is the first American “midlife wisdom school." Spanning a vast and exclusive 4-square-mile expanse, this secluded haven provides a remote yet conveniently reachable escape in the culturally vibrant Santa Fe region.

Nuestro amplio campus frente a la playa y terrenos pintorescos, ofreciendo una variada gama de comodidades. Entre estas se encuentran tres albercas, incluida una alberca de 25 metros para nadar, a un lado de dos jacuzzis, dos saunas, salas de masajes, una plataforma de yoga frente al mar, un estudio de movimiento, una biblioteca, un jardín orgánico, una cancha de bocce y muchos rincones cómodos con asientos para relajarse, reflexionar y charlar. Nos complace compartir que el comentario número uno que recibimos de los visitantes es que siempre hay algo nuevo y hermoso por descubrir. El campus fue meticulosamente diseñado bajo la orientación de Oren Bronstein, un colaborador de diseño de Chip Conley.

Our 4-square-mile private, secluded Rising Circle Ranch
  • Private, secluded ranch on 4-square miles
  • Interaction with ranch animals, including horses and donkeys
  • Multi-purpose indoor and outdoor meeting spaces
  • MEA resource library, curated by Chip with catalyzing questions
  • Hiking tracks in the arroyo
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant
Our 4-square-mile private, secluded Rising Circle Ranch
  • Private, secluded ranch on 4-square miles
  • Interaction with ranch animals, including horses and donkeys
  • Multi-purpose indoor and outdoor meeting spaces
  • MEA resource library, curated by Chip with catalyzing questions
  • Hiking tracks in the arroyo
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant

Learn Amidst Serenity

So does this enchanting space and learning belong together? Think of it this way: When you’ve had a moment to exhale, and your shoulders begin to relax, you’ll understand what a beautiful setting can do for your state of mind.

Learn Amidst Serenity

So does this enchanting space and learning belong together? Think of it this way: When you’ve had a moment to exhale, and your shoulders begin to relax, you’ll understand what a beautiful setting can do for your state of mind.

Room to roam for connection and meaningful conversations
  • 3 pools, 2 hot tubs, 2 steam rooms
  • Dedicated movement studio
  • Abundant/plentiful meeting spaces
  • Organic market garden
  • Multiple fire pits, ample outdoor spaces
  • MEA resource library, curated by Chip with catalyzing questions
  • Our beachfront campus is fully equipped with wifi
Room to roam for connection and meaningful conversations
  • 3 pools, 2 hot tubs, 2 steam rooms
  • Dedicated movement studio
  • Abundant/plentiful meeting spaces
  • Organic market garden
  • Multiple fire pits, ample outdoor spaces
  • MEA resource library, curated by Chip with catalyzing questions
  • Our beachfront campus is fully equipped with wifi

Learn Amidst Beauty

So do boutique accommodations and learning belong together? Think of it this way: When you’ve had a moment to exhale, and your shoulders begin to relax, you’ll understand what a beautiful setting can do for your state of mind.

Learn Amidst Beauty

So do boutique accommodations and learning belong together? Think of it this way: When you’ve had a moment to exhale, and your shoulders begin to relax, you’ll understand what a beautiful setting can do for your state of mind.

Food & Beverage

This area attracts chefs from all over the world to explore “la costa del sabor” (the coast of flavor). The culinary tradition in the Todos Santos/El Pescadero area is well-known as there are few places in the world that have more celebrated restaurants per capita than our location. Most people who move to the area say that the culinary scene is part of the reason they chose to make this home.

The cuisine of northern New Mexico is renowned for its unique blend of Native American, Spanish, and Mexican influences, resulting in dishes that feature bold flavors and a rich cultural tapestry. All meals, beverages and alcohol are included in the cost of the workshop.

Alimentos y Bebidas

Esta área atrae a chefs de todo el mundo para explorar "la costa del sabor". La tradición culinaria en la zona de Todos Santos/El Pescadero es conocida, ya que hay pocos lugares en el mundo que tengan más restaurantes aclamados por los habitantes de nuestra ubicación. La mayoría de las personas que se mudan a la zona mencionan que la escena culinaria es parte de la razón por la que eligen hacer de este lugar su hogar.

Esta área atrae a chefs de todo el mundo para explorar "la costa del sabor". La tradición culinaria en la zona de Todos Santos/El Pescadero es conocida, ya que hay pocos lugares en el mundo que tengan más restaurantes aclamados por los habitantes de nuestra ubicación. La mayoría de las personas que se mudan a la zona mencionan que la escena culinaria es parte de la razón por la que eligen hacer de este lugar su hogar.

Chef Tony Peralta sources local ingredients, including fresh produce from our organic garden, to bring the best flavors of Mexico and beyond to our plates each day. Our cuisine leans toward healthy, but that certainly doesn’t preclude a few delicious indulgences. (Plus the occasional margarita if you choose to imbibe). All meals, beverages, and alcohol are included in the cost of the workshop.
El chef Tony Peralta obtiene ingredientes locales, incluyendo productos frescos de nuestro jardín orgánico, para llevar los mejores sabores de México y más allá a nuestros platos cada día. Nuestra cocina tiende hacia lo saludable, pero eso ciertamente no excluye algunas delicias deliciosas. (Además de la ocasional margarita si decides disfrutarla). Todas las comidas, bebidas y alcohol están incluidos en el costo del taller.

The Campus Activities

Discover our enchanting campus with lush mountain views, starry nights, hiking trails, equine adventures, and abundant wildlife, including horses, coyotes, eagles, and friendly ranch dogs. It’s a crucible for profound thoughts and an immersive experience into the great American Southwest!

The Campus Activities

Discover our enchanting campus with lush mountain views, starry nights, hiking trails, equine adventures, and abundant wildlife, including horses, coyotes, eagles, and friendly ranch dogs. It’s a crucible for profound thoughts and an immersive experience into the great American Southwest!

The Campus Activities

We offer an extensive number of activities, including surfing, morning yoga, evening sound baths, and energizing hikes. Experience our cozy fire pits, homemade fire stone pizza, and walk in our silent, contemplative garden.

The Campus Activities

We offer an extensive number of activities, including surfing, morning yoga, evening sound baths, and energizing hikes. Experience our cozy fire pits, homemade fire stone pizza, and walk in our silent, contemplative garden.

Enroll Now
Join us if you feel you want to find more meaning in life and explore your purpose with a community of like-hearted individuals.
Inscríbete ahora.
Únete a nosotros si sientes que tu proceso de transición se ha prolongado y necesitas un mayor apoyo y atención para realizar hábilmente la transición a tu próximo capítulo.
Private Room
Space all to yourself



Shared Room
Meet a new pal



All prices are in USD. Sales tax and $150 service fee will be added to your final invoice.
Included In Your Tuition
  • Three meals per day with vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options
  • Curriculum and workbook
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Off-campus explorations
  • A few (maybe more than a few) festive parties

Financial Aid

We know that our entire society is made stronger when everyone has the opportunity to learn, participate, and grow, regardless of economic status. To support diverse learning we are committed to having a portion of our workshop participants receive an award. We offer two levels of financial aid on a need-aware basis.




Participants are responsible for $3,000 tuition (50% of full workshop tuition) and their travel costs. We will announce gold-level awards within 5 days of application submission. You will be placed on an upgrade waitlist for a private room – exceptions for specific medical or personal conditions may be considered.




Participants are responsible for only $1500 tuition (only 25% of full workshop tuition) and their travel costs. We will announce platinum-level awards no more than 5 weeks before the requested workshop start date. Applicants requesting financial aid will be in a shared room with another participant.

Given how much demand we have for this most generous form of financial aid, a small percentage of those who apply are able to be accepted.


Enroll Now
Get pragmatic tools to change your career, life, and relationships.
Habitación privada



Habitación compartida



$9000 por pareja
Todos los precios en USD. Se agregará un impuesto del 7% y una tarifa de servicio de $150 a tu factura final.
Incluido en tu matrícula
  • Transporte de ida y vuelta al aeropuerto de SJD
  • Currículo y libro de trabajo
  • Tres comidas al día, además de bebidas y alcohol
  • Opciones vegetarianas, veganas y sin gluten
  • Yoga y meditación
  • Exploraciones fuera del campus
  • Reuniones festivas para celebrar nuevas conexiones

Ayuda Financiera

Sabemos que toda nuestra sociedad se fortalece cuando todos tienen la oportunidad de aprender, participar y crecer, independientemente de su situación económica. Para respaldar el aprendizaje diverso, nos comprometemos a que una parte de los participantes de nuestro taller reciba una beca. Ofrecemos dos niveles de ayuda financiera en función de las necesidades.




Los participantes son responsables de una matrícula de $3,000 (el 50% de la matrícula completa del taller) y sus costos de viaje. Anunciaremos las becas de nivel oro en un plazo de 5 días después de recibir la solicitud. Se te colocará en una lista de espera para actualizar a una habitación privada; se pueden considerar excepciones para condiciones médicas o personales específicas.




Los participantes son responsables de solo $1500 de matrícula (solo el 25% de la matrícula completa del taller) y sus costos de viaje. Anunciaremos las becas de nivel platino no más de 5 semanas antes de la fecha de inicio solicitada del taller. Los solicitantes que soliciten ayuda financiera compartirán habitación con otro participante.

Dada la alta demanda que tenemos para esta forma más generosa de ayuda financiera, solo un pequeño porcentaje de quienes aplican pueden ser aceptados.


Inscríbete ahora.
Obtén herramientas pragmáticas para cambiar tu carrera, vida y relaciones.
Join us if you feel you want to find more meaning in life and explore your purpose with a community of like-hearted individuals.
Únete a nosotros si sientes que tu proceso de transición se ha prolongado y necesitas un mayor apoyo y atención para realizar hábilmente la transición a tu próximo capítulo.