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A Poem I Wrote That Turned Into a Song (with the help of a friend)

Thank you to MEA Shawn Garvey for creating this 2-minute song using AI based upon this poem I wrote for my birthday three years ago, based upon a friend of mine passing away. I was born and life was simple. I learned and life became more complex. I entered adulthood and life became complicated. I […]

Thank you to MEA Shawn Garvey for creating this 2-minute song using AI based upon this poem I wrote for my birthday three years ago, based upon a friend of mine passing away.

I was born and life was simple.

I learned and life became more complex.

I entered adulthood and life became complicated.

I stumbled into elderhood and discovered wisdom.

I will die and life will once again be simple.

I was a “first-class noticer” when I was born.

I will be one again as I grow whole.

I was born with wonder.

I will die with awe.

Probably not going to hit the Billboard 100 list, but it’s a fine little ditty for me to hum to on my 64th birthday tomorrow. 


P.S. For a couple years, I’ve made a joke that we should consider filing a class action lawsuit against Hallmark’s because, starting at age 40 with their ageist birthday cards, they remind us of all the things that get worse with age. So, you can imagine my recent surprise when I saw that Hallmark is getting sued for age discrimination by a prominent employee. Hoping for no 64th birthday cards when I celebrate with friends tomorrow.

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