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Are You “MEA-Curious” or “MEA-Delirious”?

Once a year, MEA offers an experience of unadulterated joy that suggests we’re the tip of the iceberg for a global movement.

It’s our Alumni Homecoming which started in 2019 in San Francisco with more than 200 folks showing up from 50 U.S. cities and 7 countries. We’ll be celebrating again the weekend after this in Santa Fe (May 17-19) with more than 450 alums convening to stir up some collective effervescence with parties, TED speakers, musician Michael Franti playing a private concert at Meow Wolf, and a day on our 2,566-acre regenerative horse ranch which is opening this week with a Franti workshop. 

Given thiat this is an alum-only event, we can’t offer you a ticket, but if you know one of our nearly 5,000 alums (from 48 countries), hit them up so you can be a “plus-one.” We’d love to mix the curious and the delirious for this weekend of learning, dancing, dreaming, and loving. And, if you can’t join us this weekend, check out our enchanting Santa Fe workshops, many of which are selling out quickly. 


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