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Are You Ready for Your “Wisdom Wander?”

“The soul is like a wild animal—tough, resilient, savvy, self-sufficient and yet exceedingly shy. If we want to see a wild animal, the last thing we should do is to go crashing through the woods, shouting for the creature to come out. But if we are willing to walk quietly into the woods and sit silently for an hour or two at the base of a tree, the creature we are waiting for may well emerge, and out of the corner of an eye we will catch a glimpse of the precious wildness we seek.”

– Parker J. Palmer, A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life 

One of the joys of leading MEA workshops is I learn as much as I’m teaching. And, I meet all kinds of insightful, fun people. Last week, we had a southern gentleman, Howard, in our “Owning Wisdom” workshop who loves collecting and sharing quotes (and he’s ready to write a book). He offered this exquisite Parker Palmer quote as a gift to his 27 fellow cohort compadres. 

Howard’s timing was perfect as we’ve incorporated a silent, alone “Wisdom Wander” into our “Owning Wisdom” curriculum given that our Santa Fe campus has dozens of miles of hiking trails on its 2,566-acre property. When I do an “Awe Walk” (much like a “Wisdom Wander”), I start my journey by asking the question, “Nature, what do you have to teach me today?” But, based upon Parker Palmer’s quote, I’m now going to alter that question, “Dear Soul, Will you come out and play with me as I seek solitude in nature?” 

And, this weekend, I did just that. A three-hour, meandering wander taking note of what nature and my soul were whispering to me. It was profound and I’m not prepared to share the details yet, but it felt like a psychedelic experience without the psychedelics. 

My cofounder Jeff Hamaoui is teaching an “Owning Wisdom” workshop Oct 7-12 in Santa Fe. Come experience a Wisdom Wander!


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