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“Peeling Back the Paint.”

How many coats of paint have your body gathered? How could you live an unvarnished life? These were the questions that arose for me when I watched this short video about Alex Raza and his second act as a violin maker.

If you’re like me, you were probably inspired as well. Maybe you’re ready to enter a violin-making contest? Or maybe there’s cake-baking in your future or poetry awakening inside you? Is it time to quit the postal service and find your calling?

While Alex is creating instruments, the truth is, we’re all instruments of something bigger. Abigail Carroll, a successful high-tech and finance executive in Paris, decided to move back to Portland, Maine. She had no idea what was next until she became an oyster farmer. She got her hands dirty and liked it. I think you’ll enjoy her video. As Abigail says, “I took this so much farther than I thought I could.”

Here’s a third Second Act video of the Jones Sisters, who love their barbeque and have made it a way of life in midlife and beyond (part of the same Mailchimp original series).

Many people come to MEA to find their MEAning. Hopefully, these three videos, which will take you less than 20 minutes to watch, will help you reconnect with your own sense of meaning. Who knows? Maybe you’re meant to become an encore entrepreneur?

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