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Reflections from a Modern Elder.

*Chip’s Note: To be a modern elder means you’re as curious as you are wise and Sue shows here curiosity (and offers some great reflective questions) in this guest post. *

Most of us have heard “take what resonates” and leave the rest behind, so this I share with you to take or to leave behind as you will.

I come here today to share just a small portion of what has changed in my belief system since attending MEA. Looking back, I can see much more clearly, starting with our guest talent Vanessa Inn and her offering, “Leading From Your Essence.” I was just starting to dabble in spirituality and Vanessa lent credibility to thinking outside the mainstream beliefs box as well as giving me permission to do the same.

The positive results of this journey so far is that I’ve found myself questioning some things that have come up in my life, like brief stints with Christianity as both an adult and a child. Just enough to give me some foundational “isms” to work with. I’m also not a huge fan of the “love and light” teachings of the Universe. There’s too much wrong with the world today to love it away. Some of us need to be mad, so I land on the word “Respect.” If we respect every being and their right to exist wholly, I think we’ve pretty much got what we need for marching orders.

The other thing: There are eight billion(ish) people on the planet right now. Where are all those people going to go when they die? I mean, supernaturally, I’m sure “heaven” can accommodate them. What’s the multiplier since the beginning of time? Can someone do the math for me? Sounds cramped. Eight to sixteen billion people circulating makes a lot more sense to me. Does one life even make sense from a soul’s perspective? The Bible says we must be born again. This seems way more rational AND gives the “theory of evolution” a lot more plausible punch. As a bonus, it kinda takes the sting out of death.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve experienced a few flashes from what I think might be the past. We can’t all have been Joan of Arc or Alexander the Great, but I believe we can all identify with archetypes, so if you really really knew me, would it surprise you to know that an archetype I identify with is Mary Magdalene? I currently identify as “from the streets” and when working with some of my spiritual peers. I tend to challenge the thinking or lack thereof, of the privileged. 

So, here are a few appreciative inquiries for you to consider if you a resonating:

  • How would your life improve if the pressure of death was removed? 
  • What if what happened in our past lives is carried forward as a review every single life and we add more each time?
  • If you knew that, what would you try to spend time on in order to give yourself a leg up next time? I like this so much better than “you only have one life, live it to the fullest.”
  • This one might twist your noodle a little: What if our kids aren’t our original kids and our parents aren’t our original parents? How does that change your perspective on the life you’re living right now and how does that mash up against the lives of your parents and children?

My hope is that I’ve given you a little to think about while taking a whole lot of pressure off what’s to come simply by reframing it, and if it turns out not to be true, are you going to know anyway (wink)?


Sue Madrid is currently on a four out of who-knows-how-many-year journey practicing what Michael Singer referred to as “The Surrender Experiment” whether I wanted it or not. Hey, maybe there’s a new book title in there. As a scholarship recipient, MEA was a very early step on the journey. Sorry for all the tears, Chip!

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