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Swedish, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone, Shiatsu, Thai, Lymphatic.

If you’re a massage slut like me, the title of today’s blog probably sent your heart racing. You know you’re an aficionado when you can recite your five favorite massages of your life and where you got them.

Okay, I knew you were going to ask. Here’s mine: Como Shambhala (Bali), Rishikesh (India), Kabuki Springs & Spa (San Francisco), Salish Lodge (outside Seattle), and my backyard cottage. (Of course, I love our three MEA massage therapists—Maricarmen, Hesed, and Andrea as well). I remember each of those super sublime experiences like they happened yesterday. And, of course, I could recite the Mayo Clinic’s top reasons for getting a massage, but right now, my mind and body are blissing out at the mere replay of these massages in my head. Suffice it to say; that a message heals and restores.

More than that, a massage takes all those “shoulds” out of your shoulders. It offers sensuality without crossing over into sexuality. It allows you to get intimate with another human without uttering a word.

Here’s a little-known fact: I trained in massage at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur forty years ago and went to the Body Electric massage school around the same time. Just like learning a foreign language is a valuable skill to pick up early in life, it’s the same in the language of the body. Being a somatic artist is a skill that can serve you well your whole life.

Ultimately, we need more massages as we age, not less. With age, our joints and muscles tend to tighten. We can become amnesiac toward the pleasures of our body, partly due to our internal body shaming. Our connective tissue needs to feel, well, more connected. Alive. Restored.

But, just like every bottle of wine is different, and there are various vintages, don’t settle for a bad massage or one that isn’t suited for your tastes. Find out what works best for you. Experiment. And while you’re at it, ask your friends about their favorite massage and/or therapist. Better yet, what if you had a massage sleepover? If you have a few extra beds at home, invite some friends and some massage therapists (maybe even break out a bottle of wine). I’m betting you’ll start a trend. At least, I’m hoping! It’s good for you.

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