The Crone Jewels

For many, age brings up fierce resistance. We hide the fading of youth with hair dye and facelifts. We no longer have sleeveless tops in our closets. I do not judge that. I sought those “fixes” too. Until it occurred to me that acceptance of myself was at stake and up for grabs.

I wanted to enter my seventh decade with grace, awareness, service and authenticity. As such, I looked to the stories in ancient goddess teachings and became intrigued with the term Crone – a woman in her fourth act. Unlike the hag reference in fairy tales, in goddess speak, women go through 4 stages. Maiden. Mother. Matriarch and Crone.

I didn’t want to simply pronounce myself a Crone, Older does not always mean Elder. I wanted to earn the mantle of wise woman. To do that, I asked the people in my life to write me a pearl of wisdom that I had taught them and in addition I asked to please send me an actual pearl or bead.

Out of their responses I created this necklace. “The Crone Jewels” It was placed on me as a part of a ceremony I called “The Crowning Of The Crone.”

The Crone Jewels

It is my reminder of how we develop with and for each other and how to live with acceptance and abandon.

What will you be doing to celebrate instead of resist?

Holly Stiel was one of the first hospitality industry gurus who helped Chip see the art of service when he started his boutique hotel company 33 years ago.

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