To-Do vs To-Be.

We measure our days by what we do. We measure our lives by who we are. Our daily “to-do” list is stuffed full of urgency. I feel such a rush when I’ve crossed off the last item on my list (i.e, picking up my dry cleaning). At the end of the day, though, it’s just a sugar rush.

What’s nutritious in life is our “to-be” list. While not urgent, this list is important. To paraphrase David Brooks, it defines your eulogy, not your resume.

You’ve never created a “to-be” list? Well, it’s the perfect time of year to do so. As you approach 2020, ask yourself:

  • What are three qualities that will define me more this coming year?
  • What are the habits or practices that will allow these qualities to improve?
  • What roles or identities do I want to enhance or adopt in the next year?
  • And, what roles or identities am I ready to let go of?

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