Bill Donius

Surfing on Both Sides of the Brain.

For those who want to draw better, the 1979 published book, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain helped generations of art students and the rest of us learn techniques to draw better. (Hint: tips to help get our brain out of the way so that we can “see” the image in a manner that makes it easier to draw).

Surfing on Both Sides of the Brain.

Silly Rabbit or Wise Owl?

Do you feel more like a silly rabbit, or a wise owl? This metaphor came up recently at our personal development workshop, Meet Your Better Half: How to Unlock Your Right Brain. A proverbial “Left Brain Thinker” confessed, “as a practicing attorney for several decades, I’ve always been skeptical about personal development work and dump it all into what feels like the dubious “woo-woo” category.”

Silly Rabbit or Wise Owl?