Chuck and Dianne’s Excellent Adventure.

November 10, 2022

Chuck and Dianne’s Excellent Adventure.

May 29, 2023

Ever seen the movie Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure? Two teenagers used a time machine to collect historical characters for the ultimate history class presentation—a “show and tell” extravaganza. They brought in Napoleon Bonaparte, Billy the Kid, Socrates, and more. A great adventure indeed.

Of course, today, we don’t need a time machine. We have historical characters right here in our midst. They’re called Senators. Congrats to Chuck Grassley, who was just re-elected Iowa Senator at age 89. If he serves until the end of his upcoming term, he will have been in the Senate for nearly half a century. And Dianne Feinstein will turn 90 next year as she represents the state of California. The average age of U.S. Senators is now almost 65, which is beyond when most Americans retire.

I don’t advocate mandatory retirement age for Senators, as some flowers stay fresher longer than others. But I believe we need term limits to ensure that a Senator doesn’t just stay in office because they fear being a PIP (Previously Important Person).

And politicians aren’t the only ones who have difficulties giving up perks, power, and prestige. Many of us get so used to the uniform we’re wearing that we don’t realize that this role is just a costume. I know I had difficulty giving up my identity when I was the founder and CEO of Joie de Vivre Hospitality for two-dozen years. The job/role/identity felt like a Band-Aid affixed to my entire skin.

Maybe it’s time we created an MEA Recovering Politician workshop and invited all of those long-time public servants to join us in Baja for an opportunity to realize they are more than their title.

Beyond Chuck and Dianne, which politicians do you think we should invite for this special week?

Go deeper with a workshop, in person or online.

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