Modern Elders With Latent Talent.

April 17, 2023

Modern Elders With Latent Talent.

May 29, 2023

I love wordplay. I'm particularly fascinated by words that have a relationship with each other if you just switch two letters. For example, if you switch the "l" and "t" in "latent," it becomes "talent." Just saying the phrase "latent talent" sounds like a poem.

Not surprisingly, latent talent has been on my mind lately. I've noticed a growing number of MEA compadres who have a hint of an invisible skill that's proven its value in their career, but they struggle with trying to capture it on their resume. Some individuals have experienced an epiphany when we've given them the exercise where we ask this repeating question (5 times), "What gift or talent can you offer your community or the world?" Each answer takes them deeper and deeper into the heart of their true gift.

And once you realize you're a "social alchemist," a "story gardener," a "team trainer," a "complex problem solver," or a "connector of dots," it helps you better imagine how you can offer that seed in new soil. But, you have to get beyond the sizzle of those short headlines to articulate the substance of the behaviors, habits, or tools you can offer based upon this talent.

As a quick aside, I decided to ask ChatGPT about the connection between latent talent and modern elders, and here's what it offered:

"Latent talent and modern elder are related in the sense that both concepts involve individuals who possess valuable skills and experiences that have not yet been fully recognized or utilized.

A modern elder is someone who has years of experience in their field and possesses valuable knowledge and skills that they can share with others. However, they may be overlooked or undervalued in today's youth-oriented culture, where there is often a bias towards younger workers.

Similarly, someone with latent talent may have valuable skills and abilities that they have not yet fully developed or expressed. They may also be overlooked or undervalued, either because they have not had the opportunity to showcase their talents or because their talents are not recognized in their current environment.

In both cases, there is a potential for untapped talent and valuable contributions that can be made by these individuals. By recognizing and valuing the skills and experiences of modern elders and individuals with latent talent, organizations, and society can benefit from their unique perspectives and insights."

Go deeper with a workshop, in person or online.

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