The Wisdom of Maya Shankar.

June 6, 2023

The Wisdom of Maya Shankar.

May 29, 2023

I was fortunate enough to attend the TED conference last month and give a short talk on the main stage. However, the real joy was listening to some of the world’s most inspiring thought leaders, including cognitive scientist and podcaster Maya Shankar. Her podcast, “A Slight Change of Plans,” is dedicated to helping people build their TQ, transitional intelligence, given that we’re living through a time of remarkable change.

Her TED talk (which is not yet on the TED website) highlighted three questions you might ask yourselves when you’re going through a change:

1. How might this change alter what you’re capable of? A change could increase your capabilities.

    2. How might this change alter what you value? This change, especially if it was not your choice, may help you to see your values more clearly, which could be a gift.

      3. How might this change alter how you define yourself? Sometimes a change forces us to get clearer on who we are at our essence (not our job title, spouse role, or achievements).

      Thank you, Maya. I appreciated meeting you in the Green Room and talking about how your thought leadership aligns with what we do at MEA.

      P.S. Speaking of wisdom, I was fortunate enough to give a keynote talk at the annual Wisdom 2.0 conference a little over a month ago with around 100 MEA alums cheering me on. The video of the speech, The Secret to Finding Wisdom in Your Midlife, just went live so enjoy it and feel free to share it with others. My TED talk will go live on the website in a few months.

      Go deeper with a workshop, in person or online.

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