
Emotionally Bonding With Dad.

Recently, MEA community member Brant Huddleston sent me a poignant email,

Emotionally Bonding With Dad.

Not Eating My Wheaties Any More.

After spending 80% of this year on ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy), I’ve been granted a one-month reprieve as I spend the next two weeks wrapping up my radiation and preparing for my book launch and tour the very next week. ADT is one of many medical treatments for advanced prostate cancer and it’s taken my testosterone down to 1% of its normal level which has led to the following: menopausal side effects, no libido, low energy and mood changes, brain fog, and declining muscle mass and added weight. It’s not pretty. On the other hand, the upside is more emotional sensitivity, less risk-taking behavior, and less aggression. Between stimulus and response, there is a space. Some of you wives may want to sneak a little ADT in your husband’s Wheaties…just kidding!

Not Eating My Wheaties Any More.