Big Transitions.

I remember thinking that changing jobs would make me happy. Then once I changed jobs, I thought changing relationships would do the trick. Then it was moving to a new city.

Yet this quote by Steven Bartlett says it best:

“If you always think your happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are.”

When people think of making big transitions, they often think of taking big actions.

The first question we often ask in a transition is, “What am I going to do next?” But the more important question to ask is…

Who am I going to BE next?

Who you become is not dictated by ‘what you do,’ yet it is precisely ‘who you are’ that impacts the outcome of ‘what you do,’ and thus, the quality of your life. A conundrum, eh?

Being busy all the time but not seeing the results you want…

Spending lots of time and money on therapy and personal growth but still feeling stuck in the same patterns…

Experiencing lostness about your next move…

All of these are indicators of a pull to look deeper—to the level of who you are being.

In our upcoming workshop at MEA, “Transitions: Crafting Your Next Chapter,” Chip Conley and I will explore the solution to exactly this: how to move powerfully through any transition so you can become who you want to be, or figure out who you want to be in the first place.

This video and podcast interview we did together will give you a taste of what’s to come.

In this workshop of what might be called “spiritual church,” we will explore a 3-stage process for every transition and a special equation that will help you see how much potential you have yet to live.

Together, Chip and I come together across what are usually considered generational “divides” to do exactly what the heart of MEA is meant to do – bring us together in a space of growth and big transformation. This will be my 3rd trip to MEA, as one of the MEA “young elder” teachers. I believe all people, of all backgrounds deserve to have access to the information they need to change their lives. Over the last decade of teaching and speaking, I still pinch myself to think I’ve taught people in 40 countries around the globe, and am excited to work with all of you.

The big takeaway = who you are BEING ➞ leads to ➞ DOING with purpose, and making a greater impact on your life, for your family, and for this world.

This is how we move powerfully toward happiness and make our way through transitions.

We hope you will join us in June as we dive deep together.

Chip Conley and Justin Michael Williams

From growing up with gunshot holes outside of his bedroom window to sharing the stage with Marianne Williamson and Deepak Chopra, Justin Michael Williams knows well the power of healing to overcome. He is an author, transformational speaker, and top 20 recording artist who has been featured by The Wall Street Journal,, Publisher’s Weekly, Yoga Journal,, The Root, and SXSW®. With his groundbreaking book Stay Woke and over a decade of teaching experience, Justin has become a pioneering voice for transformation. More:

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May 23, 2024

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