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Change Your Mindset, Change The Game.

I love this TEDx talk from Dr. Alia Crum, partly because it’s further evidence that Carol Dweck’s popularization of the concept of “Mindset” matters. And, partly because one of the research projects Dr. Crum introduces is focused on hotel housekeepers.

They asked these housekeepers to take a survey on their health and found that ⅔ of these women (no men in the survey) felt they did not exercise regularly. Trust me. An 8-hour housekeeping shift is full of exercise. Much more physical labor than the average American pursues in a day.

Then, the researchers took half of the housekeepers and educated them on the value of the exercise they do at work. The other half didn’t receive any education. When the researchers came back a month later, not changing any work habits of any of these women, they found that the women who knew their work had a positive exercise impact had some stunning improvements in a variety of metrics: their weight, blood pressure, body fat, and job satisfaction. All purely due to a 15-minute presentation that shifted their mindset.

How could we employ this same mindset shifting thinking to our workplaces, our homes, or our personal lives?

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