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Cracking a Smile This Morning.

Being a modern elder means learning how to alchemize our polarities: our curiosity mixed with our wisdom, our introversion served up with some extroversion, our gravitas (depth) with our levity (lightness). So, today’s brief post offers you two short, hilarious video takes on aging.

First up is comedian John Heffron’s suggestion that being in your 50s is like being the youngest of the old people. Therefore, freshman orientation for old age is necessary for those who’ve made it to the half-century mark. You’re dealing with all kinds of things for the first time, whether it’s taking away the car keys from your parents, shaving parts of your body where you didn’t use to have hair, or learning how to play pickleball. If you squint just enough, you know he’s describing MEA on a particularly funny day. 

And, then there’s actor Andre De Shield’s invention of a new word, “wellderly,” describing “old people who are still kicking ass.” Is that you?

Always open to your submissions of funny material when it comes to aging. Just remember there are three things to know about aging: 1. Short-term Memory Loss….and, oops, I forgot the other two. 


P.S. If you’re someone who loves to design experiences, you might enjoy my recent online fireside chat with the folks at Futurespaces, The Value of Collective Effervescence in Experience Design.

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