Follow the Yellow Arrows

*Chip’s Note: Have you ever thought about making the Camino pilgrimage? It’s on my bucket list so I loved reading Laura’s personal account.*

Psst. You there. Yes you! You’re on track. You’re just where you’re supposed to be, right here, right now.

Do you have these moments in life when you feel super clear on your path, direction, and purpose, even if just for a minute? I do. But I lose track all too easily when other shiny objects flash by, so sometimes I need to do a deep reset.

In June 2024 I walked one of the Camino de Santiago hikes across Europe. The Camino began as a Catholic pilgrimage, given that all the routes end at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, where St. James’ remains are thought to be interred. But these days people from every spiritual background walk the Camino, and for good reason. The infrastructure is unparalleled: each route is well marked with yellow arrows every block or two, accommodation and dining options are plentiful at every price level. 

I walked the Portuguese Coastal route starting in Porto and walked almost 200 miles over 12 days. Every block or so of the way was marked.

Yellow arrow, spray painted on the ground. 

Yellow arrow, on a signpost.

Yellow arrow, on a stanchion.

Yellow arrow. Yellow arrow. Yellow arrow.

This reminds me of how I am usually reminded of my purpose. Quietly and in regular intervals, in ways that I’d miss if I were distracted. Usually it’s subtle, and I have to be in my body and really noticing, aware of what’s lighting me up. What’s resonating on a deep level and what isn’t. 

But sometimes it hits like a gong. A dozen yellow arrows at once!

On my second day of the Camino, I met a young man from Ukraine who was decades younger than me and just starting out in my field, brand design. We walked dozens of miles together discussing every aspect of life, but it was over dinner when we flipped through a Camino guidebook with a spiritual bent that we went deeper. This guidebook had questions for us about our intentions for the Camino and about our lives.

He made a face about one of the questions, and said, “I don’t have the first clue what my purpose in life is.”

I replied “I didn’t either at your age! But I know now.”

He leaned forward, deeply curious. 

“It’s community building. I’m here to connect people.”

A look of shock passed over his face. After he recovered, he shared, “I can’t believe you said that. I just did my masters thesis on using design to form bonds, specifically a project connecting teenage Ukrainian refugees of war to each other in person using branding and programming.”

We spent the next hour geeking out over the details: fonts, layout, imagery in service of something much bigger. I also shared one of my favorite quotes with him: 

“What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.”

― Kurt Vonnegut

I think it was a yellow arrow bonanza moment for both of us. An opportunity, in a world away from our normal daily routines, with nothing but time to reflect, to remember not just who we are, but why we are. (And the beginning of a beautiful mentorship connection!)

My advice to you: follow the yellow arrows. Maybe that means getting quiet with the subtle, day-to-day ones, and listening to the signals of your body. (This absolutely works, if you’re willing to (1) listen carefully and (2) make courageous changes to live your truth!) Or maybe you need to seek out the arrow bonanza, whether it’s through a retreat at MEA, or a pilgrimage hike like the Camino. Environments where the arrows will shout at you, and you’ll get true social support for finding and following your purpose.

The yellow arrows are waiting… 


Laura Brunow is a brand designer in San Francisco specializing in conferences, workshops, and events. (Community building!)

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