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Is Age a Bully or a Fairy?

Is Father Time the bully that sneaks up on you or the fairy that grants you wishes? Your answer to that question will determine how long you live, not to mention the quality of your life.

What if I told you there was one action you could take that would grant you 7.5 years of additional life? And you’d be happier. And not just because you’d live longer, but because you’d live deeper.

Yale’s Becca Levy has shown that shifting from the bully mindset (negative perspective on aging) to the fairy mindset (positive perspective on aging) gives you this additional lease on life. MEA’s reason for being is to offer you new practices and a fresh perspective on reframing your relationship with aging—to see age as your best friend, not your worst enemy.

Here are a few upcoming first quarter workshops that specifically address your relationship with aging:

Mastering the Expression of Your Authentic Self. Feb 12-19. Perfect Valentine’s Week gift for you and your honey. Financial aid is still available for this workshop.

Awaken Your Rebel Soul to Reimagine Success. Mar 5-12. Embrace your rebel with the former Chief Marketing Officer of Harley-Davidson.

Reframing Retirement: Thriving in Your Next Phase of Life. March 19-26. To retire or not to retire, that is the question….and how to do it in a way that feels good to you.

Optimizing Longevity with the Blue Zones Founder, Dan Buettner. Mar 28-April 2. Wanna live an extra decade in a healthy and happy way? This workshop is for you.

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