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Replacing the Word “Anti-Aging.”

Jamie Lee Curtis recently said it’s time to delete the term “anti-aging” from our vocabulary and replace it with “pro-aging.”

She says, “I’m not denying what I look like. Of course, I’ve seen what I look like. I am trying to live in acceptance. If I look in the mirror, it’s harder for me to be in acceptance. I’m more critical. Whereas, if I just don’t look, I’m not so worried about it.”

In other words, mirror, mirror on the wall…I’m going to ignore you. Not bad advice (unless you’ve got a piece of broccoli stuck in your teeth). Of course, maybe her real lesson is not to ignore our aging body (as if we can’t look), but to see ourselves in the mirror in a new and more healthy way.

Interestingly, age is the only demographic confronted with a multi-billion dollar “anti” industry: concealers, body shapers, fillers, procedures, and a whole assortment of goods and services to fool the public (and ourselves) that we are not who we are. Here’s a past blog post of mine suggesting that anti-aging products are really anti-women products.

Jamie Lee Curtis isn’t staring in the mirror as much as she used to. What habits could you incorporate into your life that would make you more “pro-aging”?

Finally, I leave you with the wise words of Joni Mitchell: “Happiness is the best facelift.”

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May 10, 2020

My age has given me a particular viewpoint that may be unique. Even though ...

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