The Whale Superhighway.

Today’s video says it all, so I’m not going to write much today other than offer these three principles: Nature is our teacher. As Alice Walker suggested, “In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect.”
  • Experiencing other sentient beings, including migrating whales, can teach us something about ourselves. Love this BBC video about four things whales can teach us about life and community.
  • Put time in our calendars to “Spy on the Divine.” It’s easy to get distracted by the urgent, less important endeavors of our world, but allocating 3, 5, 10 hours a week to just being in nature will not just create more happiness in our lives, it will serve our curiosity and creativity.

Here’s my video, divinely intoxicated, spying on whales the day I arrived back in Baja a few days ago.

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