But when are we wise, and when are we prejudiced? Here’s my read on the difference between an opinion and a judgment.
An opinion is a form of judgment, but it is open to revision based on introducing new information (which always takes knowledge and wisdom). On the other hand, a judgment is an opinion that’s unbendable based on new information. Note: Pride and ego accelerate the microwaving of a judgment.
So, the next time you find yourself arguing a point, ask yourself whether you’re open to a different perspective or new facts. If you are, you hold an opinion that can be malleable. A good sign that you’re on the road to wisdom is when you’re open-minded enough to change your opinion. If you aren’t open to new facts, you represent a growing portion of the population clinging to their judgment as if it’s a life preserver.
P.S. It’s that time again. We’re shifting into the New Year – a time to reflect on what we’ve learned and examine what’s to come. A new year is like a clean canvas, offering a fresh opportunity to design the life you want. Join MEA co-founder Jeff Hamaoui and SVP of Digital Alumni & Strategy, Kari Cardinale for a live 90-minute workshop to explore how to navigate ANY transition more effectively, and make your biggest challenge into your best teacher. Register HERE for a live 90-minute Workshop: Master Your New Year Transitions, taking place tomorrow at 9am PT / 12pm ET.