Wisdom and Love

"Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between the two, my life flows." -Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher of Advaita Vedanta

Wisdom whispers of our smallness, dissolving the walls of the self. Love sings of our boundless essence, uniting us with all that is. Wisdom unveils the fleeting nature of form, a gentle guide to truth. Love binds the heart to its eternal source, an endless embrace of being.

Without wisdom, love may wander, untethered and unsure. Without love, wisdom risks becoming a shadow, cold and austere. But together, they dance—a luminous balance, wisdom’s clarity softening in love’s warmth. And love’s fire burning bright with wisdom’s light, A union that shapes the essence of our souls.

Wisdom dissolves the ego while love nourishes the soul. They are both essential to living a good, long life.


P.S. What are you doing for Valentine’s Week? We have two workshops planned Feb 10-15 that are perfect for couples, but also available for single attendees as well as friends or family members. In Baja, we have The Power of Friendship being led by Oprah’s favorite living poet Mark Nepo and MEA co-founder Jeff Hamaoui who has been studying the value of “friending” this past year. In Santa Fe, I’ll be leading our first Owning (Body) Wisdom workshop with former CEO of the Institute for Functional Medicine Laurie Hofmann as well as breathwork, a free visit to the 10,000 Waves hot springs, and one free massage for every person in the workshop. What a great way to spend your Valentine’s Week!

P.P.S. Author (and MEA faculty member) Elizabeth Gilbert asked me to write a “Letter From Love” and film it so she could post it on her weekly Substack newsletter. She said I could share it with you, so here it is.

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