
Two Forms of AI: Artificial Intelligence and Appreciative Inquiry.

“Computers are useless. They only give you answers,” so exclaimed Pablo Picasso. True. Artificial Intelligence might seem far superior to Mrs. Johnson, my high school librarian. But, Mrs. Johnson offered me something that a computer has yet to perfect: she asked me clarifying questions that helped her to better answer my questions. And, on occasion, she asked an Appreciative Inquiry that opened up possibilities I hadn’t even considered like, “If you’re fascinated with geography, have you thought of studying a foreign language?”

Two Forms of AI: Artificial Intelligence and Appreciative Inquiry.

Why I Wrote My Memoir “Radical Curiosity: My Life on the Age Wave.”

Time and again, I’ve been surprised by how often my professional interests and pursuits have collided or overlapped with formative events and explorations in my personal life. For example, my personal and professional dive into the importance of life lessons and leaving a legacy.

Why I Wrote My Memoir “Radical Curiosity: My Life on the Age Wave.”

The Curiosity Project.

The microwave was invented accidentally in 1945 by a self-taught engineer named Percy Spencer, who was leading a radar project for the defense giant, Raytheon. While testing a new vacuum tube called a magnetron, he discovered that a chocolate bar in his pocket had melted from the heat. He decided to try another experiment by placing some popcorn kernels near the magnetron, and watched as the kernels popped.

The Curiosity Project.

"Say Yes to Everything Before You’re 40..."

One of the living humans I most admire is Dr. Atul Gawande, who graduated from Stanford five years after me. This prominent surgeon, Harvard professor, humanist and healthcare expert wrote the New York Times bestseller “Being Mortal” and was the commencement speaker to Stanford graduate students, where he uttered the sentence that is the title of today’s blog.

"Say Yes to Everything Before You’re 40..."

Wisdom Can Sneak Up and Attach Itself to You.

More than 80 years ago, Swiss engineer George de Mestral was walking his dog when he noticed burrs sticking to him and his pooch. Most of us would have just complained about what comes next: de-burring the dog. But George was curious. No, Chip, don't go there!

Wisdom Can Sneak Up and Attach Itself to You.

Questions Shape Our Purpose.

New purposes require new questions.

Questions Shape Our Purpose.

Living in the World Our Questions Create.

“Language is the house of Being . . .” - Martin Heidegger

Living in the World Our Questions Create.

Where Can You Find Your "Scenius"?

As we develop each of our MEA campuses, we brainstorm the adjectives and experiences that might create a set of original spaces.

Where Can You Find Your "Scenius"?

The Business Case for Curiosity.

At Airbnb, I was a Socrates-wannabe. I liked asking questions. Most of the time, this worked. It helped us to see our blind spots, both personally and organizationally. But occasionally, I would get a response like this one from a mid-level manager: "Okay, Mr. Modern Elder, enough with the curiosity! Let's get shit done!"

The Business Case for Curiosity.

What is Your "Beautiful Question?"

As a journalist, I am fascinated by questions--so much so that I have taken to calling myself a "questionologist."

What is Your "Beautiful Question?"