
Our Will to Live

Can people actually influence how long they live just by their thoughts?

Our Will to Live

Living and Breathing the Blue Zones Lifestyle.

Chip's note: Last year, I co-led a successful Blue Zones workshop with BZ founder Dan Buettner. Dan was so pleased with the experience that he suggested that his organization create a three-year partnership with MEA. Céline will be the lead faculty member along with our MEA-trained facilitators. We’re proud of this partnership since Blue Zones is arguably the best-known longevity company in the world.

Living and Breathing the Blue Zones Lifestyle.

I Was Eavesdropping...

Chip’s thought: Jim came to MEA for the first time in 2023 at age 87 and was the highlight of his Blue Zones cohort especially as they marveled at him learning to surf. Then, six months later and now 88, he came again and has been one of our biggest boosters. I love this Depression-era baby who has the wit of a stand-up comedian and the wisdom of a saint.

I Was Eavesdropping...

The Exciting Upcoming Travel Trend: Longevity Travel.

I spent a glorious week at the Mayrlife (https://www.mayrlife.com/en) medi-spa in Austria in September. They did all kinds of blood and epigenetic tests, IV drips, a specialized diet/exercise/mindfulness regimen, and had me visiting a doctor daily. Little did I know I was participating in what I think will be one of the biggest travel trends of the next couple decades as the global population ages.

The Exciting Upcoming Travel Trend: Longevity Travel.

Four New Books to Check Out.

Over the past few years, I've been inspired by thought leaders who articulate their vision for an alternative to The Game of Life that we grew up with.

Four New Books to Check Out.