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Longevity as the Litmus Test for a Great Society

What measuring tool best illuminates where you want to live?

There are many reasons for our belief in American Exceptionalism, but one of the primary reasons is our vibrant, growth-oriented economy. We’ve been ranked the #1 country for GDP (Gross Domestic Product) since 1871! According to economists, China is gaining on us and might surpass us by ten years from now. More recently, the concept of a GNH (Gross National Happiness) has become a new measuring tool for determining which societies are the most livable. I talked about this in my first TED talk in 2010 after visiting and studying in Bhutan: Measuring What Makes Life Worthwhile. Unfortunately, the U.S. ranks 23rd in GNH. We’re living proof that money doesn’t buy happiness (beyond a certain level of income).

I don’t think the size of the economy, as tangible as that is, or the depth of our happiness, as intangible as that is, are the best measures of whether a country is properly satisfying the needs of its citizens. I would argue that life expectancy could be the best litmus test since it takes into account so many diverse factors: health, happiness, economic prosperity, governmental and private industry effectiveness, the strength of families and community, and so much more. Creating the conditions for citizens to live a long time is a wise metric for any society.

So, how does the U.S. do when it comes to life expectancy? We were a model for the world in the 20th-century with life expectancy growing from 47 in 1900 to 77 in 2000 in the U.S.. Candidly, it’s one of the most important positive stories of the last century, but we don’t hear enough about it. But, the 21st-century has been a different era for the U.S. with our expectancy in 2023 being almost no different than what it was at the end of the last century. Our life expectancy has flatlined while the rest of the world is growing rapidly. The U.S. currently ranks 48th on life expectancy, ironically just below Panama (I won’t cover the Canal in my blog posts this week) that is 47th and Albania that is 46th. Sometimes, American Exceptionalism just means exceptionally bad when it comes to longevity!

There are so many reasons for this embarrassing ranking: chronic diseases and lifestyle factors including obesity, health inequalities by socioeconomic class, high healthcare costs, high smoking rates, violence and injuries, access to guns, suicides and overdoses, maternal and infant mortality (we’re much higher than many developed countries), less intergenerational living, workplace stress, and a weaker social safety net. It’s taken many decades for the U.S. to get to this sorry state, so it won’t be fixed overnight.

One particularly frustrating part of our American situation is the socioeconomic disparities. The life expectancy among Native Americans in the western U.S. has dropped below 64 years, which is worse than Afghanistan and many African nations. For Asian Americans, life expectancy is more than two decades higher, the highest of any racial or ethnic group in the U.S.. Disparity amongst different populations has nearly doubled since 2000. It’s like comparing very different countries (you can read more about this in this study called Ten Americas).

All of which brings me to RFK, Jr. Boy, do I have cognitive dissonance about this cat! (I probably shouldn’t use the word “cat” because he has such a fraught relationship with bears, whales, guinea pigs, and other animals except lab rats – he’s for saving them.) Here’s what I like about him: he’s willing to take on Big Food and Big Pharma, he’s emphasizing prevention, advocating studying social determinants of health, and expanding access to healthcare and education. He’s an innovative thinker, which is what a broken system needs. But, here’s what I don’t like: he’s a bit of a nutcase (acknowledged privately by many family members), conspiracy theorist, and has been so anti-vaccine that he’s imperiled small island nations (Samoa in 2019). Oops, I’ve gotten more political/personal than I was intending. Let me go back to my original premise.Yes, I can heartily support Make America Healthy Again (MAHA). How is it that the right reclaimed “crunchy,” as articulated in this recent New York Times story? Good for them. There are all kinds of politicians who are role models when it comes to articulating the importance of healthy living: Cory Booker, Tim Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Adams, JD Vance (who adapted to his wife’s vegetarian diet), and many others. I hope some of them will take a more aggressive role in advocating for ways to increase our longevity and suggest that life expectancy may be the most important metric for determining if the U.S. is on the right track.


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