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“To Do or Not To Do…That is the Question.”

Okay, you're limping into the weekend, and this is the first time you've done that in the past month. Newsflash! You’re not a machine but a human who needs rest and renewal.

And, even if you were a machine, you’d still require an occasional tune-up. I know you feel the “duty to do” this weekend, but I invite you to experience the miraculous nourishment of simply being. Here are four steps to refresh and renew yourself this weekend:

1. If you have an essential task to work on this weekend, consider whether you could deliver it by the end of the day on Monday rather than Monday morning.

2. Set an out-of-office message on your email this weekend so you don’t feel guilty about not responding. Do not look at your work email the whole weekend.

3. Look at your weekend schedule and ask yourself, “Will these activities feed or starve my soul?” Then, adjust your schedule and list three activities that will nourish you, such as a massage, a long walk in nature, a bike ride, or a two-hour bubble bath with your favorite new book.

4. Do something frivolous, playful, or totally out of character. Go to a gospel church for the Sunday morning music. Go dancing with one of your youngest friends on Saturday night. Take mushrooms with your adult children. Break out of your routine and make love like rabbits.

Take this path, and I bet your perspective about your work will be altered come Monday.

Discover More Wisdom

June 17, 2022

Retiregoebbexityieldcloseleaveshrinkdepartvacateretreatrecederegressage-outgo awayseparatewithdrawirrelevantseclusionsurrenderdisappeartranquilizeunoccupiedTV watchingpurpose-lessdrinking moreout to pasturerug pulled outage-apartheidcease to existabsent oneselfreflecting regretgoing, going, gone… ...

Retire, a Poem.
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