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Which MEA Workshop is Right For Me?

As we approach year-end, it’s natural to start looking—with hope—at 2022, especially given the emotional complexities of the past two years. While we’re happy to announce that MEA’s first four workshops of the new season are now full, we still have a plentiful slate of exciting workshops available. Of course, we encourage you to review your options below and take action sooner than later.

While much of the curriculum for each week contains core MEA principles and is experienced in all of our workshops, there are key differences with our unique guest faculty that might appeal to one person more than another. To make it easier for you, here are the key personas who might most appreciate our upcoming workshops through mid-March. Click the date for details on each teacher and workshop.

Women who appreciate connecting with other women in career or life transition: January 16-23

Leaders who want to deeply explore what makes them unique: January 23-30

Individuals who want to reframe their relationship with aging: January 31-February 5

Those who are interested in exploring their creativity: February 6-13

People looking for a masterful coach to support curating their life: February 14-19

Successful folks who are seeking a purposeful new career: February 20-27

Fun-loving folks who want to be reminded their best years are ahead: February 28-March 5

Rebel souls looking for freedom to redefine success (and maybe a sabbatical): March 6-13

Want to chat with someone about which workshop is best for you? Schedule a call with our admissions team HERE.

You can also register HERE to join us this Saturday morning at 9am PT for a special one-hour session answering all your workshop questions.

See you in Baja!

Discover More Wisdom

May 11, 2021

It is, then, the turn of the little magic. The staff who sing in ...

Big Magic, Little Magic.
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