Embracing Perfectly Imperfect

Chip’s Note: Arlelle’s TEDx talk is deep and hilarious. Highly recommend you watch it.

Embracing Perfectly Imperfect

Understanding My “Parts.”

I’ve spent most of my adult lifetime trying to understand my personality, believing that the more I knew myself, the more I could control the challenging parts of myself. It was like my personality was a prison I needed to project and protect. I learned that I was a 3 with a 4 wing on the Enneagram, an ENFP on Myers-Briggs, an I on the DISC assessment, and on and on. These insights were helpful cerebrally, but it felt like something was missing.

Understanding My “Parts.”

What Personality Traits Are Associated With Long Life Living?

Let’s play a little quiz this morning. If you had to imagine eight character qualities most associated with those who have greater longevity, what would they be? Being easy-going, empathetic, intelligent?

What Personality Traits Are Associated With Long Life Living?

Beyond Happiness: Why a Psychologically Rich Life Is a Good Life.

Do you want to be happy or successful or both? You hear this question at personal growth retreat centers or with coaches and their clients. It turns out this question doesn’t factor in research by two social scientists who’ve shown that the ultimate aspiration should be a “psychologically rich life.” Shigehro Oishi and Erin Westgate define this as “a life characterized by a variety of interesting and perspective-changing experiences.”

Beyond Happiness: Why a Psychologically Rich Life Is a Good Life.

Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe.

Likes attract likes. And, perversely, dislikes attract dislikes. Show up with vulnerability, positivity, or generosity, and you’ll get the same in return. We are all apes in human clothing. We mimic. Monkey see, monkey do.

Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe.

Your Life: One Photo That Defines Each Decade.

Here’s an alternative inquiry to the tired New Year’s Resolution habit. Find one photo from each decade of your life and write about who you see in that photo and how it ties together with the human you’ve become. Think of it as a pictorial assembly line of the raw material that has made you who you are. Sounds tough? Let me be the guinea pig.

Your Life: One Photo That Defines Each Decade.

The 4 Bridges to Wisdom.

“There are 4 sentences that lead to wisdom: “I don't know..” “I need help.” “I'm sorry..” “I was wrong.” - Louise Penny

The 4 Bridges to Wisdom.

The Riddle of Responsibility.

A man for whom I have a great deal of respect offered me a simple comment in passing at an MEA event. He said, “I’ve found it helps a lot when I take full responsibility… for everything,” placing a strong emphasis on “everything.”

The Riddle of Responsibility.

I Retired My “Invincibility Cloak.”

Chip recently asked in a blog, "How do you ask for help when you're embarrassed to do so?" It's been a week of reflection for me. For I too used to resist asking for help. That was my identity. I built a remarkable career with that trait. I was the "essential one" – key to winning the biggest-of-big pitches, a magnet for press interviews, the one who C-suite clients were drawn to.

I Retired My “Invincibility Cloak.”

It’s a Mixed Bag Being a Human These Days.

“The planet does not need more successful people, but it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind.” - David Orr

It’s a Mixed Bag Being a Human These Days.