Adrian Juric

The Midlife Passage: A Summons to Larger Life

Chip’s Note: Adrian is a talented filmmaker, partly due to his background as a psychologist.

The Midlife Passage: A Summons to Larger Life

Deep Sea Wisdom.

“The unfolding saga of life on all levels is one of constant transformation, constant changing of form,” says author, artist and playwright Julia Cameron. Nature illustrates this principle in countless ways. The chambered Nautilus, for example, is a deep-water mollusk that builds a spiral-shaped shell for a home.

Deep Sea Wisdom.

Magnetic Elders.

I was twelve years old when I first heard this survival tip from a wilderness ed instructor. “If you’re ever lost at night and don’t have a compass, you can find your way back with a sewing kit and a magnet.”

Magnetic Elders.