Adriane Berg

The World Does Not Expect Much of You. Make It Sorry.

Busy, busy, busy. That's what you'll hear if you ask a retiree how things are going. Inquire further, and you discover that "busy" means an assortment of leisure activities (pickleball is hot right now), cool courses (medieval instruments, anyone?), doctor visits, language lessons, and a round of golf. Occasionally you'll hear about volunteering, starting a new business, or writing that novel put off for decades.

The World Does Not Expect Much of You. Make It Sorry.

Without Bread, There is No Learning: Collaborative Bread Making At MEA.

On the Monday of our MEA journey, bread-making was offered as a creative and collaborative experience, much to the delight of all….

Without Bread, There is No Learning: Collaborative Bread Making At MEA.