Elizabeth Young

I’m Sitting Here Contemplating Two Things.

One: “According to Darwin’s ‘On the Origin of Species,’ it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives. But, the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.” - Leon C. Megginson

I’m Sitting Here Contemplating Two Things.

Who Are You Not To Do This?

I recently heard Seth Godin being interviewed and he shared a story about an experience he had swimming in the ocean in which he almost drowned. He said that although he was a strong swimmer, that morning, he found himself struggling with a serious undertow.

Who Are You Not To Do This?

Pearls of Wisdom.

As I was soaking up the last minutes on MEA’s Baja campus just before writing The Pause (the poem I shared last month on Wisdom Well) waiting on my shuttle for the airport to arrive, I was taking in the beauty of my surroundings-soaking it all up.

Pearls of Wisdom.