Gabrielle Pelicci

Announcing the Winner of our “Life Begins @ 50” Contest.

Chip's Editorial Comment: As many of you know, we’ve offered anyone from 48-54 the ability to win a free 3-night private birthday celebration and workshop at our new Santa Fe ranch campus based upon their approximately 500-word essay on why life begins at 50. We had over 150 entries with some (including the winner) offering persuasive social media reasons about why they should be selected. Congratulations to Gabrielle Pelecci who turns 50 on August 1 and will be celebrating with 7 of her friends in Santa Fe, NM. Here’s her essay and Instagram reel below. We’ll be sharing some of the other essays over the next few weeks. Keep MEA in mind when you’re considering a landmark birthday as it’s a great way to bond with friends and have life-changing conversations.

Announcing the Winner of our “Life Begins @ 50” Contest.