Rocky Blumhagen

Memento Mori.

Chip: Rocky may be our most prolific guest poster and his essays always fill me with inspiration.

Memento Mori.

“We are Too Young to be This Old.”

When it comes to our sexual wellness, some of us expect our partners to meet all our needs. Why is this so? And is it realistic…especially over a decades-long relationship? If your marriage has lost its fire, why is that? Monogamy is a complicated construct and can be a challenging path to navigate in long-lasting marriages and relationships.

“We are Too Young to be This Old.”

Life On A Surfboard.

Surfing in Baja is a highly encouraged MEA rite of passage. You get up, you fall down. You get up, you fall down. You get up, you fall down. The metaphor is profound. Midlife and beyond, modern elders are learning to crawl again as we strive to stand on our boards.

Life On A Surfboard.

What Does a 1000-Day Commitment Really Mean?

Our 1000 day yoga journey began March 15, 2020 when Stanford University shut down due to Covid protocols. Twenty yogis of various experience levels, backgrounds and ages (55-75 years) all said, “Yes.” Together, we have now practiced virtually for nearly three years.

What Does a 1000-Day Commitment Really Mean?

Six Words to Live By.

Is it possible to guide a life with a six-word mantra?

Six Words to Live By.

This is a Good Day to Die.

The Siletz river banks are high from yesterday’s Tsunami, created by an underground volcano off the island of Tonga. NASA said the resulting blast was hundreds of times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb.

This is a Good Day to Die.

Our Silos of Thought.

America! America? How did we get here? How did we become so divided? The Right. The Left. You’re with us or against us. Good or bad. Right or wrong. Little room in the middle for a third way or compromise. For so many in local and national government, compromise has become a negative word.

Our Silos of Thought.

I Am Still Learning.

As I look at my tattered, 1969 copy of “Man’s Search for Meaning,” I am reminded of Dr. Viktor Frankl’s influence on my life these past fifty plus years.

I Am Still Learning.

Seven Chakras, Seven Decades, Seven Ages of Sexual Discovery.

Chakra: in ancient Sanskrit, chakra means "wheel" and refers to energy centers in our bodies

Seven Chakras, Seven Decades, Seven Ages of Sexual Discovery.