Ronna Lichtenberg

"Talkin’ about my AI Generation."

My new work buddy is ChatGPT. To me, she identifies as female, although she didn’t actually tell me that. Since she doesn’t have preferred pronouns you can choose to assign whatever gender identity you like, or not.

"Talkin’ about my AI Generation."

The Curiosity Project.

The microwave was invented accidentally in 1945 by a self-taught engineer named Percy Spencer, who was leading a radar project for the defense giant, Raytheon. While testing a new vacuum tube called a magnetron, he discovered that a chocolate bar in his pocket had melted from the heat. He decided to try another experiment by placing some popcorn kernels near the magnetron, and watched as the kernels popped.

The Curiosity Project.

Let’s Live Together.

After World War II, there was so much prosperity that it seemed like a grand idea for everyone to have his/her/their own everything. Suburbs grew fast. Many of us grew up in a single family home in the classic nuclear family. Suddenly everyone had air conditioning, and his/her/their own car, and nursing homes for elderly relatives.

Let’s Live Together.

The Temptations and Intention.

When I went to see The Temptations last week, I hoped to be entertained. I didn’t expect to have a life-changing experience related to the power of intention.

The Temptations and Intention.