Tania Carriere

Choosing a Path in Midlife.

Chip’s Note: Tania has been an MEA facilitator and came to MEA during Covid, planning to stay for a couple weeks and kept prolonging her stay, ultimately staying more than a dozen weeks. She’s an avid traveler and observer of human behavior, especially in midlife.

Choosing a Path in Midlife.

Tasting Joie de Vivre.

Chip's Editorial Comment: I couldn’t resist publishing this post from long-time Wisdom Well guest blogger Tania as it’s what I want more of in my life and reminds of the company I ran for two-dozen years, Joie de Vivre Hospitality.

Tasting Joie de Vivre.

"Dance Like Nobody’s Watching."

This used to be my motto. I’ve leaned on it when I’ve needed courage in all areas of life, including dance; a passion that I have limited to the impromptu dance parties in my kitchen, where I can be free to really let go and enjoy the movement.

"Dance Like Nobody’s Watching."

Midlife Wisdom from an Elephant.

On safari in Botswana, everything is primal, basic and, within hours, I can feel my senses and my instincts sharpen. Before sunrise we are bundled up, and head out to witness life as it has always happened. I watch the world begin to wake, the birds, the grasses, the big cats. It is such a privilege to participate in the magical and mundane; a mother giraffe and her babies are on the move.

Midlife Wisdom from an Elephant.

Ready to Connect.

“Ready to Connect” The proclamation makes me smile.

Ready to Connect.

Lost in Midlife.

I waved goodbye to my friends and headed off, in search of the villa. After only 5 minutes of navigating the medieval streets of Orvieto (Italy), things weren't going well. I stopped, took a deep breath, stared at my map, then turned both it and myself to face a new direction.

Lost in Midlife.

Are you a Success?

I see sleeplessness and worry; she is, by her admission, weary under the weight of questions and fear around her decision to close down her business.

Are you a Success?

Helen Mirren Made Me Do It.

It was a normal enough moment. I was sitting at a Starbucks, coffee in hand, putting off some work for a few indulgent minutes of Facebook. I was robotically scrolling, partially engaged with the usual mix of animals, self-help quotes and messages from friends.

Helen Mirren Made Me Do It.

The day I left ME on the train.

What I find most intriguing about these unprecedented times is that it is not only the world that is in a state of "not known or done before"; it is also ME. I am unprecedented. How intriguing.

The day I left ME on the train.

A Mountain Range of Me.

What if I have become all that I am meant to be? When this question wormed into my subconscious, I pretended not to notice. I put a little more effort into my omelet. I have countless strategies to stop the tape from looping in my head.

A Mountain Range of Me.