Fanta Se.

April 15, 2021

Fanta Se.

May 29, 2023

Chip’s Note: My two co-founders, Jeff and Christine, were recently in Santa Fe brainstorming how we might design our new 2,600-acre ranch there to become our first U.S. MEA Regenerative Community. The property is located in the Galisteo Basin which has a fascinating cultural history. While he was there, Jeff started conjuring up this poignant poem about the occasional “fantasies” many people have of Santa Fe.

The Galisteo basin
Is a shallow dish that scoops up
Thousands of acres of rusty soil
Sifted between the broken basalt teeth
Of mountain ranges long vanished

A landscape scarified by a million sheep
Denuded in turn by horse and cattle
That consumed the blankets of grass
And left a world coverless and cold
Etched by sunlight, wind and running waters

In March walking the Basin
Pale green grasses crunch underfoot
Crisp with frost, cold with the wind
And the soft hiss of a dark wing
Or the killing cry of a golden eagle
Suggesting some kind of meaning

If you pay attention, you can hear voices
Baked in staccato codes left behind
Flecked into rough clay shards
Flaked into blades and arrowheads
Hidden, sometimes buried deep in the soil

For nine thousand years
Human people walked this place
And their ancestors demand regard
As Indian, Hispanic and Chicano ghosts
Wait quietly for a better question

And now me, a gentler invader
Stumbling around like a baby
Wandering into this shallow womb
Cooing over ancient symbols
Wandering through adobe fantasies

Deaf to countless hard stories
Detailed in the commemorative stones
Blind to a thousand bitter ends
That lie dumb in the field of means
A ghost myself

Without the ears to listen
Without a mouth to speak
Without eyes that see
Without a clue

Who will lead this pale child?

Without walking him off the lip of a ravine

As a mercy.

Jeff Hamaoui is one of the cofounders of MEA and the Chief Education & Innovation Officer.

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