The Top Five Regrets of the Dying.

April 13, 2021

The Top Five Regrets of the Dying.

May 29, 2023

Australian author and rebel Bronnie Ware has spent much of her life offering palliative care and has conversed with hundreds of people on their deathbed. This led her to writing a book, “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying,” dedicated to helping more of us live a regret-free life.

What would you guess are the top five regrets she’s heard from people on their deathbed? Before you read her list at the bottom of this post, make a guess of what you think they might be. Here was my guess:

  1. I wish I’d exercised, eaten better, and taken care of myself.
  2. I wish I’d been more generous with those in my life.
  3. I wish I’d spent more time focusing on my spiritual life and sense of meaning.
  4. I wish I’d met my soulmate.
  5. I wish I’d tried that thing I always imagined doing but gave up on in my midlife (scuba diving, writing a memoir, living in a foreign country, etc...).

Turns out, I was wrong on all five answers. Here’s Bronnie’s list, which is much better researched than mine:

  1. I wish I’d lived a life true to myself, not the life that others expected of me.
  2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
  3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings more.
  4. I wish I’d stayed in touch with friends.
  5. I wish I allowed myself to be happier.

Here’s to living an authentic, playful, courageous, connected and happy life with no regrets!

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