
“Success Oblige.”

I've always appreciated the term' noblesse oblige,' which translates to 'to the nobility comes the 'obligation.'

“Success Oblige.”

The Book Thief Hiding in Plain Sight.

A few weeks ago, I made my usual trek to work. I got in the car and tried to catch up on texts and emails pausing to remind myself of my goal for the week. What I had re-defined success would be for me twenty-four hours later. I took breaths, found integrity, thanked my driver, and hurried across the stars that line the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Somehow, I was already normalizing passing by the giant marquis inviting others into this project, through the lobby of the iconic Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, past the Marilyn Monroe mirror, down the steps Shirley Temple learned to tap dance on and into the theater.

The Book Thief Hiding in Plain Sight.