LARGE TALK: Where We Go When We’re Done With Small Talk.

April 28, 2023

LARGE TALK: Where We Go When We’re Done With Small Talk.

May 29, 2023

"Small talk" is defined as "polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters, especially as engaged in on social occasions." Sounds rather quaint, right?

climate change. Oh, how I wish that one day we might be delighted, not offended, by our conversations with those different from us. The world would be a better place.

That's why I loved discovering Paula Marantz Cohen's new book, "Talking Cure: An Essay on the Civilized Power of Conversation," an invigorating exploration of conversation's pleasures and social benefits. I truly believe face-to-face, in-person conversation is the antidote to our social media-drenched world. And this gifted academic has crafted a beautiful memoir that points the way in this direction while making you feel like you're hanging out at MEA, lounging on the beach with your new best friends.

While we don't ban "small talk" at MEA (and it's definitely in abundance on our first night with a new cohort), when people see the nourishing value of "large talk," they realize that the world needs more safe crucibles for deeper, life-changing conversations.

PS. Ready to rediscover (and redefine) how you will continue to work and find purpose in the next chapter of life? Join me and Bruce Feiler, New York Times bestsellers selling author, for a Live Fireside Chat, Finding Meaningful Work in a Post-Career World, on May 3rd at 1:30pm PT | 4:30pm ET. It’s going to be a good one! Register HERE

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