The Lines We Draw…

May 11, 2020

The Lines We Draw…

May 29, 2023

My children are my favorite teachers. The other day, we were coloring when I mentioned to Summit that he should try to draw inside the lines. He replied, “Dad my lines are perfect,” and it stopped me in my tracks.

You’re right son, your lines are perfect…dancing and curving, just the way nature intended.

Turns out, in nature there are no straight lines. The beauty and power lay in the twists and turns. Even the greatest of nature’s lines, the horizon, presents with a gentle slope.

When we stop trusting our intuition,
When we stop connecting with the parts of life that bring out the best in us,
When we stop believing in our ability to make the world a little better, at any age,

Our lines straighten.

There is no magic in a straight line.

In his own way, Summit was delivering the same wisdom I experienced at MEA last December and the same wisdom I’ve tried to build into my new program, Madefor—our best days lay ahead. By reconnecting with our inner nature and unique path, we can all unlock a little magic in our lives.

May all of our lines continue to bend, perfectly.

Blake Mycoskie is the founder of TOMS Shoes, Co-Founder of Madefor, a recent MEA graduate and teaching at MEA this coming October and March. Madefor is a 10-month Program that helps you cultivate a growth mindset and adopt sustainable habits of body and mind through a set of fun, doable, analogue Challenges delivered right to your door. Madefor was designed alongside some of the world’s leading scientists and experts and has already helped thousands on their path to living their best lives.

Go deeper with a workshop, in person or online.

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