We Are All Enlightened Witnesses.

July 1, 2021

We Are All Enlightened Witnesses.

May 29, 2023

According to the Mayan tradition, the universe is a unified force where everything is related—you, me, animals, plants, minerals, everything. As the Mayans put it, "I am the other you. You are the other me." In other words, we belong to each other.

I believe this is even more true the older we get. Midlife is the time when our primary operating system moves from our ego to our soul (assuming we’re agile, not fragile). Yes, this is easier said than done. As Zen teacher D.T. Suzuki put it in his memorable aphorism: "the ego-shell in which we live is the hardest thing to outgrow." Of course, this challenge is the lifeblood and joy of the MEA mission. At MEA, we create the space to help one another break through this shell. And as we do this, we are gifted with the opportunity to witness the sublime beauty that appears when we transform together.

For those of you who are MEA alums, maybe you can send a message of loving gratitude to a fellow alum who has been the enlightened witness of your growth. Remember, even as we go our separate ways, we still belong to each other.

Go deeper with a workshop, in person or online.

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